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[Ed and Eddy walk from one room into another, snickering all the way.]

Edd: "We're not allowed to play up here, fellas!"

[His friends sneak into another room, but he doesn't see them.]

Edd: "I repeat, upstairs is off limits!"

Nat: "Guys please listen to him!"

[A breaking sound is heard.]

Nat: "Oh no."

Edd: "This is not good." [He flings a door open, a hand over his eyes.] "You're trespassing in my parents' bedroom! Please leave now or I'll have to call an attorney!"

Eddy: [imitating Edd's mother] "Eddward! Must your father and I remind you to finish your homework?"

Ed: [as Edd's father] "That is right, son. A mind is a terrible organ to shovel."

Edd: "HAVE YOU GONE MAD?" [He attempts to pull Ed from the bed, then checks his arm.] "My blood sugar seems a tad low."

[Eddy snickers.]

Edd: "EDDY, YOU'RE CONTAMINATING MOTHER'S LINEN WITH MILLIONS OF DEAD SKIN CELLS!" [Eddy dives beneath the sheets.] "If you two only knew the regimen of cleaning procedures that you've set into place–"

Eddy: "Woohoo!" [He is spinning on a rotatable mirror.] "Jane, stop this crazy thing!" [The lump in the middle of the bedspread collapses.]

Ed: "Look what I found!" [He pops out of a drawer.] "Sticky notes!"

Edd: "You put those back!"

Eddy: "You're in trouble, Ed!" [He runs away gleefully.]

Ed: "I'm a bad boy!" [Ed follows Eddy away, putting sticky notes on him as they run.] "Sticky note! Sticky note! Sticky note!"

Edd: "Downstairs immediately!" [Ed's tongue hits Edd in the face. Edd pulls it away to reveal a sticky note with "stiky note" written on it.] "Your spelling's atrocious, Ed."

Nat: "Can we please go somewhere else?!"

[Eddy comes by in a rowboat.]

Eddy: "Row! Row! Row! Row!"

Edd: "Eddy, you're scratching the floor!"

Eddy: "Row! And–"

Ed: "My turn!" [He leaps on Eddy.] "Boing!"

Eddy: [hitting Ed with a paddle] "Smack!"

Ed: [flying] "Whoosh!"

Edd: [chasing] "Pant pant pant pant."

Ed: "Ha ha!" [Ed crashes in a closet.] "Oop."

Edd: [looking wildly for him] "Where'd he go? Where'd he go?"

Nat: [pointing] "There he is!"

Ed: "Look what I found!"

Edd: "NO, NOT THAT!"

Ed: "Bubble wrap." [He pops a bubble, damaging the ceiling.]

[Nat stares in shock.]

Edd: "Ed!"

Ed: "Cool!" [He then pulls a whole sheet out. The object wrapped inside the bubble wrap comes out and falls on Edd's head.] "What was that?"

Eddy: "It's a hunk of baloney, Ed. What are ya?"

Edd: [slightly dazed] "Baloney? Please." [He strains to lift it. Nat helps him.] "It's–the–ancestral fruitcake!"

Eddy: "Looks like you got competition, Ed." [Ed grins at this.]

Ed Edd n Eddy + Nat (My Oc)Where stories live. Discover now