The Luck of the Ed

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Edd: [holding up a marble] "This is one of my favorites, Ed! Note: one small object and one large object."

[Ed is holding a bowling ball. He yawns.]

Edd: "Now, and this is the riveting part, if we drop both objects, in unison, that's at the same time, Ed, one would assume the larger object would land first! Au contraire. Objects of different masses do fall at the same rate! Isn't that amazing! Ahem. Now, Ed, when I say go, release the ball. Ready, set, go!"

[Edd drops his marble. A few seconds later, Ed releases his bowling ball.]

Edd: "Ed, you weren't paying attention, were you? We need to drop our objects at the same time. Shall we try again?"

Ed: [bored] "Okay."

Edd: "Ready, set, go!" [He drops his, but Ed holds on to the ball.]

Ed: "Uh oh. It's stuck, Double D!" [The ball is indeed stuck to his fingers.]

Edd: "Just relax your fingers, Ed." [Ed begins to shake the ball.]

Ed: "It's devouring my hand, Double D!"

Edd: "It's just a bowling ball Ed, calm down."

Ed: "Get it off!"

[Nat shows up]

Nat: "Hey guys what's going-"

[The ball comes loose right into Edd's face, throwing him through the fence. Edd lands next to Eddy's door.]

Nat: "Double D?!" [She rushes over and helps Edd] "Are you ok?"

Edd: [dazed] "I'm alright, how are you Nat?"

Nat: "I'm...ok."

[Eddy rushes out carrying a cardboard box and looking nervously from side to side.]

Eddy: "Ed!"

Ed: "Howdy, neighbor!"

Eddy: "Quick, hide these magazines!"

Ed: "Hide these magazines?"

Eddy: "What are ya? A parrot? Hide em! Quick! Go! Run! Hurry up! Run! What're ya waiting for?"

Ed: [catching Eddy's panic] "Hide what? Wait! Where! What?!?"

Eddy: "Numbskull." [He shoves Ed and runs back into his room.] "Aw come on Mom, not that! Wait! I need this stuff!" [He comes back out wearing a sombrero and dragging a trashcan.] "Geez."

[Inside, the sound of vacuuming can be heard. Eddy spots Edd and Nat and becomes irate.]

Eddy: "Quit lying around, Double D! My mom's cleaning out my room, and she's making me throw out all my cool stuff!" [whispering] "But luckily, I was able to save the–" [he looks from side to side and then speaks in Edd's ear] "–magazines."

[Nat makes a disgusted face]

Ed: [reappearing] "I hid them, Eddy! They're snug as a bug on a rug in a jug by a slug in–"

Edd: "How you managed in one fell swoop to make a mockery of the laws of physics is–"

Eddy: "Outta the way, Sockhead! Get back there." [He pushes Ed to the side of the house.] "You hid em good, right Ed? In a safe place where no one will find them?"

Ed: "You bet, Eddy!"

Eddy: "Thattaboy, Ed! Where?"

Ed: "Yeah!" [stunned] "I forget, Eddy."

Eddy: "You forget? Whaddya mean you forget! My brother gave me those magazines!"

Ed: "The number you are dialing is not in service."

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