Who's Minding the Ed?

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[Ed and Eddy stare through a hole in a fence while Edd watches despondently. Edd, Nat and Eddy are dressed like aviators, while Ed is in a superhero outfit.]

Nat: "Why are we wearing these again?" 

[Jonny approaches them.]

Jonny: [excited] "Wow! Are you guys and girl busboys or something?" [Eddy grabs him and makes him look through the hole.]

Eddy: [faking fear] "Jonny, quick! Oh look! Kevin's being attacked by a rabid rake!"

[Eddy watches Jonny expectantly. All Kevin is doing is raking leaves peacefully in his yard.]

Jonny: "Holy mackerel, Plank! Kevin's in trouble!" [to Kevin] "Watch out for those teeth!"

[Jonny leaps over the fence to Kevin, kicks Kevin away from the rake, and begins to attack the rake.]

Kevin: [disgusted] "Unbelievable." [He walks towards the fighting Jonny.]

Jonny: [offscreen] "Grab his teeth, Plank!"

[Eddy leaps over the fence, into the pile of leaves.]

Eddy: "Geronimo!"

[Ed grabs Edd and Nat and drags them into the fray. Ed and Eddy play in the leaves until Kevin comes back, at which point they run off.]

Ed and Eddy: [gleefully] "RUN AWAY!"

Kevin: [shaking his fist at them] "I'm onta ya, dorks! Try that again, and I'll pound ya!"

[Edd and Nat dazedly rises from the leaf pile.]

Nat: "Ow." [She notices Kevin and flees.] "I'm sorry Kevin!"

Edd: "Oh, for goodness–" [He notices Kevin and flees.] "My apologies once again, Kevin!"

[A panicked Jonny dives on Kevin once more.]

Jonny: "We'll save ya, Kev!"

[A fearful Edd and Nat run down the street past the lane. Suddenly, they backtrack, hearing their friends laughter. They find them hiding behind a dumpster.]

Edd: [lecturing] "Are we quite pleased with ourselves, gentlemen? I'm sure Kevin's patience with this random foliage folly is wearing thin."

Eddy: "Kev's a feeb. Let's hit him again, lug nut!"

Ed: "Hit him again! Hit him again! Hit him again!" [Rolf comes up behind him, sweating in odd formalwear.] "I forgot what I said!"

[Ed laughs until Rolf flicks the back of his head, actually knocking him out. Rolf then picks up Ed, tosses the unfortunate boy into a rickshaw, and carries him off to his house.]

[Rolf is demonstrating things to Ed while Edd, Nat and Eddy watch.]

Rolf: "Listen to Rolf carefully, a-brick-shy-of-a-full-load Ed-boy!"

Ed: [oblivious] "That's me!"

Rolf: "You must fletch the bovine hooves at three p.m. Not two, three. Wilfred will require refuse. Victor must purge. And watch the chickens, as they do not like to be separated, except for Bridget, who prefers solitude." [Ed grabs Bridget and hugs her.]

Ed: [excited] "I can do that, Rolf, for I am the best job I can be! Hug a chicken, hug a chicken."

Rolf: [hurrying away] "Rolf must go now, or Nana will give Rolf a foot beating like no other!"

Ed: "Break like the wind, Rolfy!"

Eddy: [entering the yard] "What's with Rolf Von Stupidclothes?"

Ed: "Rolf's gotta go to a family reunion, and I, Ed, am responsible for his many furry friends!"

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