Incubus Encounter (Pt. 2/2)

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Commissioned by:  @seokjinniebabiee

Tags: Non Con (between Taejin), Nonconsensual Somnophilia, Jealousy, Very public sex, Throne sex, BP Jin, Possessive Jimin, Jungkook (Pride), Hoseok (Gluttony), Irene (Wrath), Rose (Envy), Taehyung (Greed) and Lia (Sloth).


Seokjin was about to relax back when his waist was gripped and he was turned around on Jimin's cock until he faced the entire counsel of Sins. His cheeks heated up when he saw most of them staring down at his body, even Pride who was so vehemently trying to remain affected had a hard-on poking from his pants.

Words: 5056


The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty hallway, their destination Jimin's side of the castle. Taehyung passed by a few guards whom he gave a look and a smirk, command clear in his eyes.

Don't let anyone disturb him.

Being the Sin of Greed, it was often that he would roam into another Sin's abode and play with their new pet (or share one with them). And this pet was much prettier than any pet the Sins had ever owned.

Just a week ago, Jimin had flown through the gates of Hell with a smiling human in his arms and even from a distance Taehyung could see it was the smile of a pleasure-drunk man. But when he had finally got to see the strange pet up close, Taehyung was curious to see that the man was gorgeous with his pink cheeks and even pinker lips, honey eyes big and shining in the darkness of this place.

"And what a body", he whispered as he walked inside Jimin's room. The pet looked almost tiny sleeping on the giant bed, draped in nothing a sheer black gown. Taehyung shut the door behind him with a silent click and proceeded to take his clothes off as he walked, "How did he won over someone so angelic?"

He knew this pet ("Seokjin", as Jimin had corrected him with cold eyes when Taehyung first tried to touch him) was no innocent being. His delicious moans had echoed through many corridors several times of the day, heard by everyone that walked near Jimin's castle.

"He's possessive with you", the Sin whispered as he crawled up the bed, sitting behind Seokjin who slept on his stomach. The fat curve of his ass was visible through the sheer material, tempting Taehyung to grip it and squeeze.

He traced his eyes up the curvy body before taking hold of the shoulders of the gown, slowly peeling it away from the human. Wide planes of fair and red-bitten skin was revealed to his pitch black eyes, the tiny waist continuing to flared hips and full thighs. Taehyung licked his lips as he threw the cloth away, getting no response from Seokjin.

"He must have fucked you unconscious", the demon chuckled, giddy with the feeling of fucking a plaint and helpless human. He would have appreciated some loud screams of his name but this was good as well, "and did not even bother cleaning you."

Taehyung splayed his fingers on the soft thighs, squeezing their soft meat before parting them to reveal the pink hole dripping with frothy white. The cunt was gaping open, looking well-used just like he had predicted.

"He plays with you more than he had played with any pet", Taehyung wondered out loud as his thumb pushed through the mess to bury inside, fingers pressing against the warm clit, "but I can't understand why."

This man was special with his pretty pink cunt but he knew Jimin had owned better pets, with their udder like tits and small petite body. Taehyung hummed in thought, creeping one hand up the thigh to cup the plush mound, squeezing the cheek tightly. It was as soft and malleable as he had predicted, bruising pink in his hold and leaving a sadism inducing handprint.

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