Baby Daddy (Jinkook #15)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: No Strings Attached Sex, Baby Daddy Jk, Boypussy Jin, Power Bottom Jin, Doggy Style, Wall Sex, Riding, Mpreg.


Seokjin wanted a baby.

Jungkook needed money.

They made a deal.

(or where Jungkook becomes Seokjin's no strings attached Baby Daddy.)

Words: 4354

Jungkook was just getting out of Yoongi's studio when a man approached him. He looked nervous and jittery, making Jungkook eye him warily.

"Hey..." the stranger spoke softly, "I'm Kim Seokjin. I told Yoongi that I want to meet you. You are Jeon Jungkook, right?"

"Oh", Jungkook blinked, remembering his conversation with Yoongi, "Yeah, that's me. Wait, how do you recognize me?"

Seokjin bit his lip nervously, "I... Kind of saw your picture when Yoongi was showing me a group photo."

Jungkook looked confused as to why the man looked so nervous and shy. He opened the door and beckoned him in.

"Come on inside."

Seokjin quietly went inside the studio, followed by Jungkook. He went towards the empty waiting area and sat on the cushioned chair. Jungkook sat a few chairs beside him.

"So, is there a musical event you want me to participate in? Or a party of some sorts?"

Seokjin took a breath and looked up at the other man.

"You are a pianist, right?"

Jungkook quirked a brow, "If you're hiring me, shouldn't you know that already?"

Seokjin ignored that question, "And I have heard from Yoongi that you are struggling."

When Jungkook straightened up and looked at Seokjin coldly, the other rushed to explain.

"Please don't be offended! I just... I want to help you, that's it."

Though Jungkook no longer had the cold and hard look on his face, he did not let himself relax. Seeing Seokjin so jittery was raising red flags in his mind.

"Why would you want to help me?"

Seokjin deeply inhaled before exhaling softly. He tucked a hair behind his ear before playing with his dangling earring.

Why is he so nervous?

Finally, the man looked at him with serious eyes.

"I want a baby."

Jungkook froze in his seat. His mind disconnected from his body.

"I want your baby."

Though he still gave no reaction, Jungkook's mind was starting to get back online.

"And I'm ready to pay you for that and even promise you a job."

It took Jungkook 3 more minutes to utter, "What?"

"I want your baby", Seokjin repeated, much clearer and looking a little impatient.

"Yeah I got that part but..."

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