Pretty Man (Jinkook #9)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Pseudo incest, step brother Jinkook, Sex worker Seokjin, Sassy Jin, Protective/Jealous Jungkook, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fingering, Coming untouched.


Jungkook sees his step brother Seokjin whoring his body in the street and decides to be his next customer.

Words: 4278

Jungkook has been in the Red Light District area of Seoul only two times. First was when his friends forced him to enjoy his 18th birthday by getting his dick wet. That tike, he had roamed around this area for only five minutes before going away, not interested in sex.

Second was now as his friend celebrated his 25th birthday and asked them to accompany him to some bar. Jungkook had agreed only because he had nothing better to do that night. Women and men lined the streets, all in revealing and flaunting clothes. Jungkook almost felt suffocated by the intense smell of their cheap perfumes.

"This place isn't the best for buying bitches", an acquaintance of his informed them, "The street two blocks away is where pretty women are found."

Jungkook could give less shit about this information but when hia friends decided to walk to that street, he had to accompany them. It was almost ironic when some of his acquaintances made fun of the sex workers when they were no better. How come the one who spreads their legs is shamed but the one pays and has made this business of bodies flourish throughout the human history goes away unscathed?

Jungkook could never understand some people's mentality.

"Agh, I don't want to walk anymore. I might as well take out some cash and wave it to have pretty girls walk up to me."

Some men hooted and encouraged the man to do that. They also started betting as to who can attract the most sluts.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked away from the group. A woman in her 40s looked at him curiously.

"Why aren't you betting with them? Do you have no cash?"

Jungkook smiled at her, "Cash is not my problem but betting on girls who are desperately trying to make ends meet isn't my thing."

The woman's smiled turned a tad softer, "You do not belong in these streets."

Jungkook chuckled and nodded, "I know. I was forced to come here."

"Your friends are eyeing you."

Jungkook knew that. He had already heard a few whispers of how he must be into older women.

"They would eye anything as long as it gives them amusement."

"You are not concerned that someone would see a suited man like you with a whore like me?" The woman took out cigarettes. She offered one to Jungkook but he refused.

"I would prefer they see me with a sex worker than with people who shame them", Jungkook sighed, leaning against the wall of the building. The woman puffed out smoke before smiling at him.

"Come with me. I will show you the place where you can find the best babes", When Jungkook opened his mouth to refuse her, she raised a hand, "If you are forced to stay here for your friend, might as well stay in the part where it doesn't stink of sex and thousands of perfumes."

Well, she does have a point.

Jungkook nodded and followed her.

"This place is private area. Only some can enter", Jungkook was stopped at the metal gate which cut off this street from the rest of the area. He was given a green light only when the woman talked to the employees.

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