Seducing My Hyung (Jinkook #18) (Pt. 1/2)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Pseudo Incest, Older Jk/Younger Jin, Tease Jin, Seduction, Sexual Tension, Desperate Jin, Jealous Jk, First Time, Rough Sex, This One Is Cute Yall.


Where Seokjin will do everything to get fucked by his elder step brother, Jungkook.

Words: 3417

"Jinnie! Come down for dinner!" Jungkook called for his younger brother as he arranged the plates.

The two have been each other's only family since their parents died 5 years ago, when Jungkook was 20 and Seokjin was just 15. As an elder brother, even if they had no biological relation, Jungkook took the responsibility of taking care of Seokjin. He had set down all the dishes on the table but the younger one was still nowhere to be seen.

"Seokjin?" Jungkook called out again as he walked towards his brother's room, "Jinnie? Are you asleep?"

He knocked once and twice on the door before opening it.

His brother was playing with his phone as he bobbed his head to some song. Jungkook could see the air pods in both of his ears and he knew that Seokjin was currently blasting music at full volume.

He would have scolded his brother for listening songs at such harmful volumes but the... outfit Seokjin was wearing distracted him.

It was simple black cotton shorts. The only issue was that it was so freaking small that when Seokjin's shirt swished upwards, Jungkook could practically see his ass hanging out.

And that white shirt that fell to Seokjin's upper thighs belonged to Jungkook.

"Seokjin", Jungkook called but his brother was busy on his phone and did not hear him. He sighed and moved forward, snatching it from his hand, "What have we talked about you listening to music so loudly?"

"Hyung!" Seokjin pouted and removed his pods before reaching for his phone. But the elder raised his hand and held it at an unreachable height for the smaller man, "Hyung! You are being mean!"

"Do you know that loud music can harm your ears?" Jungkook scolded. Seokjin huffed and tried to reach for his phone, putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder to push himself up, "Are you planning on climbing me to reach your phone?"

"I would love to climb you, Hyung", Seokjin smiled, face too close to Jungkook for his comfort. The elder gulped and was going to scold Seokjin again when the younger slipped and fell on Jungkook's chest.

"This is what happens when you..." Jungkook trailed off as he held Seokjin's waist to steady the man. Seokjin's body was pressed against his, the younger man fitting perfectly below his chin, "W-when you don't listen to Hyung."

"But Hyung was being mean", Seokjin pouted his pink lips and looked up and Jungkook with innocent eyes, "Give me back my phone Hyung."

Jungkook gulped before looking away, "L-later. First come down for dinner."

"What's for dinner?!" Seokjin's mood instantly changed and he stepped away from Jungkook only to press himself against his brother's side.

"Braised boneless chicken and fried shrimp", Jungkook answered as he dragged his brother out, "And its getting cold because you did not hear me calling you for dinner."

"Sorry Hyung", Seokjin rested his head on Jungkook's (thick, muscly) upper arm as the two walked, "I was just listening to some songs~"

"Hmm", Jungkook hummed and checked Seokjin's phone. He frowned when there was no music app open. He swiped down and his frown deepened because the Bluetooth was turned off.

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