Royal Affair (Yoonjin #1)

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Commissioned by: IreneDeNadai

Tags: King Yoongi, Prince Jin, Jealousy, Light Stalking, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Come Inflation, Multiple Orgasms, Long Silver Hair Jin, BP Jin.


"So needy, so ready to squirt all over yourself. Dirty your pretty robes, my prince. Dirty it with your cunt juices so you remember the pleasure every time, the pleasure only I can give to your lewd body."

"K-King!" Seokjin screamed again as he spasmed on the bed, trying to twist away from the fingers drilling his cunt and hammering at a sensitive spot inside.

Words: 4260

Min Yoongi wasn't a loved king, everyone knew that. The man was as forgiving as the saber he held and as soft as the sharps of his favorite daggers, his palace a chamber of torture that no ever went in.

He was brash and uncontrollable and savage, breaking rules since he was a prince and refusing to father any child for the throne. The nobles detested him, the royal families refused to see him as their own.

Which was why no one could understand how he was still able to effectively run a large kingdom.

"He's wild, like some untamed beast", the prince in brown robes spoke as he walked, face twisted in a frown and hands moving animatedly, "there's not one good quality about him, he's not even handsome because of the scar down his eyes, so why do you still insist on meeting him?"

The chuckle he received in return was like the softest bells rang in the cool evenings, like the chirping of birds that would awake you with love, "He's not all that bad, just unruly. That doesn't make him a monster. And wouldn't you agree that the scar makes him unique?"

"Seokjin, I understand that both of your parents were friends and hence you spent time with him in your childhood but you no longer need to meet him. The alliance between your families broke ages ago, you're no longer obliged to play house with him."

The man in brown watched as Seokjin smiled, small and delicate. With his long silver hair dancing in the light breeze, the prince would make a perfect muse to millions, "Believe me, Jaehwan, he's not as bad as the world says. He's no saint, yes, but he is no monster.


"Just like you said, we spent childhood together. So I know him better than anyone", Seokjin took his friend's hands in his own and nodded calmly, "Trust me."

Seokjin couldn't fault his friend for worrying over him considering what kind of image Yoongi wanted to keep. It was a task to convince his friend every day that he was going to be alright after meeting the King, that he would not be harmed or hurt in any fashion.

Well, in any fashion other than the kinds he wanted.

"Why do you still favour him?" the whine was cute and Seokjin could not help his hearty chuckle, delicately holding his knuckles to his mouth to hide his grin. Jaehwan pouted at him until finally relenting, letting his dearest friend go in that monster's cave one more day.

"Thank you for worrying for me", Seokjin stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on Jaehwan's shoulder. He was grateful of the concern especially when majority of his family would rather he die at the King's hands and they could overthrow them both at once.

"Of course, Jin-ah", Seokjin blinked when he was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug but quickly became used to the warmth, smiling and returning the embrace with just as much affection.

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