Pretty in Glasses (Jinkook #24)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Jin in Glasses, Boss Jk, Light Angst, Unrequited Love, First times, Virgin Jin, Sweet Jin.


"I have been watching you for a while", Jungkook whispered before he saw Seokjin's expression, "Not creepily! Just... just like you watched Taehyung."

"Oh", something clenched in Seokjin's chest, not bitter but a giddy nervousness. Someone has been watching him with the same expression of longing? Was that actually possible? "So you like like?"

"Yeah", Jungkook whispered back, coming closer to the other man. He held the small face in his warm hands, looking in those eyes through the clear glass, "And you don't."

Words: 4581

"Seokjin!" Taehyung called as he jogged up to the other man who was fiddling with his pile of files, "Let me help you with those."

The man in grey cardigan and light blue jeans smiled shyly, his round glasses slipping down his note cute, "Thank you, Taehyung-shi."

"No need to be so formal", Taehyung took the liberty of holding the entire pile of files with a boxy smile. Their fingers brushed against each other, Seokjin's cheeks heating up at the electric touch, "But why do you have so many files?"

"Oh, that's because-"

"I asked for them about fifteen minutes ago."

The co-workers turned their heads towards the sound, Taehyung smiling at their boss while Seokjin looked down at his feet. Jungkook stepped forward, hands crossed over his chest.

"But I think I chose the wrong person to do the job", Taehyung looked at Seokjin with sympathetic eyes before opening his mouth to defend his friend. But Jungkook held up his hand, stopping his words, "Mr. Kim, may I know why it's taking you so long?"

Seokjin gulped, playing his fingers and not daring to look up even when Jungkook's feet came into his vision. His own old shoes looked cheap next to the shiny ones.

"Mr. Kim, look up at me", when the man raised his head only to Jungkook's chest, a hand took hold of his chin and forced his head up. Seokjin could see Taehyung coming behind Jungkook with an angry frown. He felt warm, happy even at the protectiveness the other man showed for him.

"If you can't do the job, go home", Seokjin felt his eyes widen up as cold words came out from an even colder man.

Taehyung looked furious, "Jung-"

"And rest your foot", Jungkook looked down at the way Seokjin was leaning his body weight mostly on his left foot, "Our doctor asked you to be on bed rest for at least three days. I don't want to be held responsible if you mess up your ankle permanently."

"What?" the fight left Taehyung's body, expression showing confusion, "Are you okay, Seokjin?"

The man in glasses looked at Taehyung, his voice meek, "I slipped down the stairs yesterday, after you all were gone. But Dr. Min was there so he put on a plaster and helped me get home. I'm much better now."

"I'm happy to hear that you're better but please rest."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the smile Seokjin gave the other man, his hands clenched in fists when he saw blush spread over the bread cheeks, "I will. Thank you, Taehyung."

"I think you should thank Jungkook-shi", Taehyung looked at his boss with an apologetic smile, "Sorry boss, I didn't know you were looking out for Seokjin."

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