Under Arrest (Jinkook #20) (Pt. 1/2)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Cop Jin, Mob Boss Jk, Kidnapping, Cock Slut Jin, Handcuffs, Gags, Face Fucking, Rough Sex, DUBIOUS CONSENT.


"I don't think I will let you go after this", Jungkook looked down at the struggling man with wicked eyes, "Maybe I can make you my bitch if I try hard enough. I haven't had a strong and pretty bitch like you in a long while now. It will be so fun to see you break slowly."

Words: 3330

"Hello?" Seokjin said as he answered the call from an unknown number.

"I have heard you are looking for me."

Seokjin looked around, hand going to the gun in his holster.

"I'm looking for a lot of people. What did you do?" The cop answered, walking out the alleyway and towards the main road.

The man on the other side laughed, "I'm on the top of the list of criminals you hate and are desperately looking for."

Seokjin stopped as a blurry man came and stood a few feet away from him.

"That disgusting mob boss? Wow, you have guts calling me with a number I can easily trace", Seokjin replied as he took out his gun.

The mob boss laughed again, "Ah, it will take too much time for you to trace my number and find me. I will make things easier for you."

Before Seokjin could turn around, he felt a prick on the side of his neck and soon his vision went blank. When he woke up again, he had no idea how many hours or days have passed.

"Welcome, Officer", Seokjin blinked open his eyes, trying to look at the man who stood in front of him, "We finally meet!"

Seokjin tried to yank at his hands but found them tied behind the chair he was sitting on. His legs were free though and he crossed them as he leaned back casually, not an ounce of fear on his face.

"Tied to a metal chair in a dimly lit room with no windows", Seokjin chuckled, looking calm and collected, "How very cliché of you, Jeon Jungkook."

The man who was a few feet away slowly walked towards the officer. Seokjin looked at him from head to toe, memorizing every detail. The mob boss had a gun in his holster and folding knife peeking out of his pocket. He also wore a jacket which could hide several other weapons and the watch on his wrist seemed the type that could hide a poisonous needle.

"It seems Officer Kim does not like the arrangements I made for him", Jungkook calmly spoke, one hand in his pocket while the other hung casually by his side, "Too bad he is not going to get anything better from me."

"I thought you were an old criminal, but it seems you are new to this game", Seokjin smirked, casually running his eyes up and down the mob boss, trying to find any weakness or escape, "Kidnapping the officer who is leading the team made to find and arrest you? You have done nothing but create more problems for yourself."

Jungkook's face did not show any emotion, "Your team was already getting close to finding me. So I thought why not make acquaintance with the head."

Seokjin, who was slowly trying to undo the ropes that tied him, raised a brow in amusement, "How very kind of you. So tell me, why have you so graciously invited me here?"

Jungkook stared at him for a few minutes before bursting out in laughter. Seokjin gulped, fear clutching his heart.

"You are trying to act smart but you did not question why I left your legs untied and why are you even allowed to talk?" Jungkook grinned, smug and dark.

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