Trouble (Taejin #2)

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Commissioned by: dole (on AO3)

Tags: Twin Taehyung (Taehyung and Vante), Jealousy, Spit roasting, DP, Threesome, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Humiliation.


"Wanna cum..."

"Then cum", Taehyung whispered in his ear, stroking him only once.

Vante watched, awed, as his puffy, wet hole winked wildly when Seokjin came. His body shivered uncontrollably, falling down on the sheets, on his own cum.

"So pretty", he whispered, parting the ass cheeks to watch how white liquid trickled out slowly.

Words: 4742

"Taehyung, Vante! Seokjin Hyung is calling you two in the auditorium."

The twins looked up from their project, Taehyung nodding at their classmate, "Okay!"

"Why the auditorium?" Vante wondered as they walked together.

"Maybe we have to organize some function?" Taehyung answered, turning the corner.

Freshmen whispered as the identical twins walked down the crowded hallway, people rushing to move away from their path.

Vante glared at girls who got too close while Taehyung just smiled politely.

"Don't be rude, younger brother", Taehyung scolded him with a smug smile.

Vante turned his glare towards him, "Two minutes. You were birthed just two minutes before me."

"I know, younger brother", Taehyung ruffled his hair to annoy him, "You don't have to smile at them but at least don't look at them as if next Halloween you'll sacrifice them to the Satan."

The two walked in the big chamber, Taehyung too busy teasing his brother to look at the people present inside.

"I don't know about others but I'll definitely be sacrificing him to the Satan."

Taehyung frowned at the angry tone of his twin. He was about to scold him when a sweet voice interrupted.

"Tae, V, come quick! Meet Jimin!"

A man much shorter than Seokjin was wrapped around him, hands on Seokjin's waist and head against his upper arm.

"Hey boys!" Jimin greeted them, waving his other arm excitedly, "Finally meeting the infamous duo!"

Taehyung could feel Vante tensing beside him and honestly? He shared the sentiment.

"It's nice to finally meet our Hyung's childhood friend!" Taehyung greeted back, trying to be warm, at least for Seokjin's sake.

"Ex boyfriend", Vante gritted out, approaching the two.

Seokjin spluttered at his words while Jimin just laughed loudly, "That too."

"Vante!" their boyfriend exclaimed with pink ears, "Don't be rude!"

"It's okay Hyung, he didn't lie", as Jimin spoke, he retracted his hand from Seokjin's waist and offered it for a handshake, "Nice to meet you."

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