For You (Jinkook #10) (Pt. 1/2)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Pseudo incest, Jin adopted Jk as a brother, Possessive Jk, Voyeurism, Namjin, Dry Sex, Strength Kink, Rough sex.


Jungkook is in a one sided love with the man who adopted him as a brother.

He will try everything to make Seokjin fall for him. Until then, he will not let anyone else get close to his love.

Words: 4318

Jungkook had not expected a lot for his birthday that year. Maybe a home cooked dinner with Seokjin before some nice late night walk. He had not wanted a lot either, just needed to spend some time with his Seokjin who was getting busier and busier with his bakery as they days passed.

He should have known Seokjin will not let his 21st birthday go dry and event less.

"Happy birthday, Jungkookie!" Seokjin shouted as soon as he opened the door to their apartment. No wall of their living room was left undecorated. There were not a lot of people but still enough to feel crowded, "My baby turns 21 today!"

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile even when he did not feel as happy or cheerful. He let himself be dragged to the centre of the room, getting pats on the back and cheers from his and Seokjin's friends. When he reached the huge table upon which sat the three tier cake, he could not help but let his smile become genuine. Judging by the decoration and the overall presentation of the cake, he was sure that it was Seokjin who had made it.

His Seokjin had spent his entire day preparing for Jungkook's birthday.

"Happy birthday!" The crowd cheered as Jungkook blew the candles. He cut off a piece of the second tier which was pineapple flavour and fed it to his Seokjin. The older laughed before scooping some whipped cream and smearing it all over Jungkook's cheeks.

Even when Jungkook felt sticky and tired, he did not complain. Not when Seokjin's bright smile stayed on his face throughout the evening.

It was when half of the guests had greeted their goodbyes did the real problem start for Jungkook.

"Seokjin Hyung is such an amazing brother", One of Jungkook's friends commented, the one who had been leering at Seokjin's ass the entire evening, "You are so lucky to have him. Mine is the kind who would steal my cake on my birthday."

"Not every one is as lucky as me", Jungkook joked, hoping his murderous glare was not picked up his friend. It was probably not because that friend continued to check Seokjin out. Jungkook wanted to throw the entire cake at his face.

"He is so hot as well", a girl commented, twirling her hair all the while smirking at his brother who was busy laughing and joking with his friends, "Looks more delicious than any cake. I wanna eat him up."

"Woah woah, that is a little creepy, don't you think so?" Jungkook's closest friend commented, the only one who was not at all interested in Seokjin, "And don't say such things in front of our pure Jungkookie! He will have nightmares of you eating his brother."

Dream of anyone other than himself eating his brother will count as a nightmare for Jungkook.

"Besides, he is as gay as they come", Jungkook sipped on his cola before shoving a piece of strawberry in his mouth. Weird combination but Jungkook had had worse, "If you approach him, you will not get a Daddy. You will get a Dad."

Some boys laughed at Jungkook's words while other teased that girl. She then huffed and walked away.

Good riddance, Jungkook thought, glancing at Seokjin. The man was flushed and sweaty from running back and forth between the kitchen and the living room.

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