Brother Knows Best (Jinkook #5) (Pt. 1/2)

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Commissioned by: anonymous

Tags: Pseudo incest, step brother Jinkook, First time, Brat Jin, Possessive Jungkook, Creampie.


"Now, Seokjinnie, tell your Hyung why were you at the club?"

"... I wanted to lose my virginity."

Jungkook looked down at his brother who hid himself in Jungkook's chest. The elder brother sighed and tilted Seokjin's face up by a finger under his chin.

"You could have just asked me."

(or, Jungkook is a possessive step-brother who will not let any other man touch his beloved Seokjin.)

Words: 2643

Additional information:

1) Seokjin is adopted. Him and Jungkook are brothers but there is not blood relation between them.

2) Jin is 22, Jungkook is 27.

Jungkook pushed through the sea of dancing and sweating bodies to reach the other end of the club. The bass of the music was loud enough to give the man a headache but he didn't care, he had to find his little brother.

He found his brother only when he reached the dark hallway that lead up to the back exit of the club. Seokjin was lip locked with a man almost twice his age. Jungkook's brow twitched when he saw what kind of clothes his Seokjin was wearing.

"Hey!" Seokjin protested when he was pulled off the man and dragged away. He managed to twist his head and came face to face with a familiar man, "Hyung, stop it! I was in the middle of something!"

"You little slut--" Jungkook cut himself off, wanting to save that conversation for later. Instead, he gripped Seokjin's wrist harder and threw him in the passenger seat of the car, "Stay there."

"Hyung!" Seokjin stomped his foot on the floor of the car, "You're being mean!"

"And you're being a fucking slut", Jungkook shouted back as he got in the driver's seat. Seokjin flinched at his angry gaze but was too stubborn to stop talking.

"I'm being my age!"

"My age", Jungkook huffed under his breath. He picked up his phone when it rang, "Mom?"

Seokjin's eyes widened when Jungkook talked to their mom.

"He was with his friends, studying for the coming exams", Jungkook covered up for him all the while glaring at him, "Yeah. He forgot how late it was. Yes, I'm bringing him back."


"Keep quiet or I swear I'll get off the car and punish you right there on the side of this road."

That was enough to shut Seokjin up. Their ride back home was silent and tensed. When Jungkook had parked the vehicle in their garage, Seokjin found the courage to speak.

"You didn't have to lie for me", he sassed, crossing his arms on his chest. Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, trying to control his anger, "You could have--"

"I didn't lie for you", was the only thing he said before getting off the car. Seokjin watched how Jungkook rounded the car until he opened Seokjin's door and yanked the man out by his wrist.

"Ow, hey!" Seokjin protested, trying to pull his wrist free but Jungkook's hold was iron tight, "I can walk on my own! Mom and dad--"

"Mom and dad are on a date", Jungkook opened their front door before making his way to his bedroom, dragging Seokjin with him, "I didn't want to disturb their evening just because their son was being a slut."

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