Red Lens (Taejin #12)

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Commissioned by: anon

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Soulmate Taejin, Step brothers Taejin, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Falling in Love, Sharing a Bed

Summary: Soulmates AU where your vision is flooded with red colour when you see your soulmate, Seokjin and Taehyung have a shocking first meeting.Things would have been different if Seokjin's mother wasn't marrying Taehyung's father one week later.

Words: 4723


The day that had started with the anticipation of meeting his new brother, the day that had carried on with mentions of his new brother's name, the day now stood still and quiet around him. His new brother was here, his new brother who Taehyung had been anxious of meeting for the past three days.

His new brother who had flooded his vision red.

The blessing of being able to find your soulmate by just laying eyes on them was not considered blessing by many. Some thought of it as the loss of free will, other simply disliked being tied down without their choice. Taehyung hadn't ever given much thought to it, things much bigger happening around him already.

"Taehyung, meet your Seokjin hyung", and now that blessing stood before him, colored a deep red and sculpted like a God, looking as shocked as he felt.

Because what was worse than finding your step brother is your soulmate was the realization that your step brother was everything you had ever wanted.


"We can't go on like this", Taehyung saw the broad shoulders tense, crooked fingers halting where they were preparing for breakfast. Seokjin was efficient like that, an all-rounder and helpful. No wonder his father loved him.

There was silence, a soft sigh before, "Tell mom and dad-"

"He is not your dad", it wasn't malice nor jealousy and both knew it too well. Seokjin still didn't turn, stubborn as he held onto the knife tightly. Taehyung admired the patience, the unshaking will before stopping himself when his eyes started admiring something too physical, too intimate.

Though he couldn't be blamed; it was Seokjin who had, for once, wore something fitted. The thin material was too bold showing off his curves and dips.

"He will be", Taehyung had almost forgotten what he had said before, "no point in denying that."

"It's not me who is denying anything."

He heard the angry gritting of perfect teeth, questioned when had he started paying so much attention to Seokjin before losing himself to the curves of the tiny waist and flaring of the full hips. The man was carved by the angels and Taehyung cursed them and his luck.

"Tell mom and dad to come down for breakfast", his words were steady, balanced beautifully on the thin line of maturity that stretched between Seokjin's heart and mouth. Taehyung almost felt bad for testing Seokjin's patience so cruelly.

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