Second Best (Taejin #6)

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Commissioned by: anon

Fuck buddies, Enemies to Lovers, Fucking your crush's cousin, Sex in car, Taejin are bad at feelings, Angst, Mpreg.


Because Seokjin cannot have Namjoon, he went to the second best option: Namjoon's cousin, Taehyung.

Getting pregnant and falling in and out of love was not something he expected, though.

Words: 4569

The party was going in full swing. The previously empty hall was filled with people in immaculate outfits. Namjoon and Jimin conversed in hushed whispers, their closeness and the smiles that adorned their faces left no doubt that the two were lovers.

Seokjin's sweet drink felt bitter in his mouth as he looked at two. He saw the way Jimin fit perfectly with Namjoon, in a way he never would and never could. He saw the way their hands fit like two puzzle pieces, perfect and meant for each other. Seokjin felt the ugly head of jealousy rear his head but out of the blue, a wild fire of pleasure over took his senses.

"Enjoying yourself?" Taehyung asked as he again changed the vibrations of the sex toy. Seokjin's grip on his glass tightened to the point he was scared he will break it. When Taehyung looked at his desperate and wild eyes, he decided to have some mercy, "Tsk, a little stimulation and you look like I have fucked you for hours."

Of course it was a lie. Except for Seokjin's dark eyes, nothing about his face screamed pleasure. But it was fun to tease the tight collared man.

"Do you have no shame? Doing such things in a public place", the heat of Seokjin's hiss was subdued by the adorable pinkness of his face.

"You are the one who has a vibrator shoved up their cunt but I'm the shameless one?" Taehyung raised an amused brow. Seokjin made to snap at him but Namjoon and Jimin chose that moment to walk up to them.

"I am actually quite enjoying this party", Namjoon said, smiling so his dimples were visible. Seokjin smiled in return, hearts dripping from his eyes. Taehyung's face hardened.

"Ye--ah!" Seokjin bent at his waist, the sudden vibrations making his whole body quiver.

"Seokjin, are you okay?" Taehyung spoke in a fake worried voice, his hands coming to support Seokjin. The only reason the elder did not growl at the younger man was because he was too busy gritting his teeth so he would not moan again in front of Namjoon and Jimin.

"He looks sick", Bless Jimin for being an innocent angel, "Should we take him home?"

"It's alright, I will drive him back home", Taehyung made Seokjin rest his body against his shoulder. The vibrations had not decreased and hence, Seokjin could not walk a single step without falling down and grinding on the floor, "You two enjoy the party. I will make sure that he is okay."

Seokjin's mind was hazy and dull with pleasure. He did not know how and when they left the party. All he knew was that somehow Taehyung was sitting on the driver's seat while he sat on the passenger's seat, the vibrator now on a low setting.

"How does it feel to moan shamelessly in front of your crush and his boyfriend?" Taehyung asked, his tone mocking. Seokjin shivered in his seat, "It is a blessing they did not see your face or every one in that hall would have known--"

Seokjin did not want to hear how much of a fool he made of himself just minutes ago. No, he wanted something else.

Something that was sitting in the driver's seat beside him.

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