Too Much (Pt. 3/3)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Dark Jk, Controlling Behavior, Breasts, Milking, Cum Marking, Dark, Open/Hopeless Ending.


"Delicious", Jungkook mumbled around the hard and sensitive bud, "Your tits are so full. All for me and our child. We will milk you so good."

Words: 3256

Seokjin's sleep was broken by a kick to his bladder. His body ached, feeling too full and uncomfortable. Seokjin whined as he tried to get up. His huge belly was proving to be a big problem as his sleepy limbs were still weak and jelly. Thankfully, he had his husband to help him sit up.

"You woke up early", Jungkook moved to kiss Seokjin but the other whined and slowly shifted to the edge of the bed.

"Gotta pee", he whined, slowly standing up on his feet. Jungkook was there before he took the first step. He slowly helped his husband to their bathroom, helping him relieve his bladder and wash himself.

"Are they giving you too much trouble?" Jungkook gently asked, helping Seokjin to waddle back to their bed. The pregnant man grunted, eyes only half open. He slowly sat down, Jungkook kneeling before him to massage his thighs, calves and feet.

"My organs hurt", Seokjin purred as his swollen feet were massaged with strong and nimble fingers, "They kick too much."

"Our baby will be strong", Jungkook smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on the pregnant stomach. Seokjin gave a half hearted smile, eyeing the two metal devices of the bed side table.

As expected, Jungkook reached for them. He slipped the thin bracelet in Seokjin's wrist, clasping it and checking its durability. Jungkook then took the thicker bracelet and moved to put it on Seokjin's ankle.

"Is it necessary to put that on me?" The pregnant man shifted his foot back, looking down at his husband with a pout, "I can signal you through the bracelet if it's any emergency. I don't like how it feels. Restricting and—"

"You know it's important", Though Jungkook's voice was soft, the look in his eyes said that he was slightly pissed at the fact that Seokjin would even think of refusing to wear that, "You are precious to me. Our baby is precious to me. What if someone steal both of you away from me?"

"I'm not a thing someone can just steal", Seokjin insisted despite the growing anger. Jungkook took a deep breath, eyes boring in Seokjin's before he looked down and clasped the device on the lithe ankle.

It was basically for house arrest. The moment Seokjin would pass through the threshold of the entrance, the device would beep and Jungkook would get to know that he had stepped out of their flat.

Seokjin hated this.

Jungkook did not give him any more time to argue as he lifted the man up and carried him to the bathroom again. This time, the two brushed their teeth in silence, Jungkook resting a possessive hand on Seokjin's waist even in the comfort and isolation of this house.

"Listen, Kook", Seokjin whispered after about half an hour. He was placed on the comfortable chair as Jungkook set up their breakfast on the table in front of him, "I wanna go out. Not away, just out in the lawn."

It had been almost four months since Seokjin was not allowed to step his foot out. He could not even go down to the lawn, to the pool or to the small playground just a few houses away. He was made to stay within these walls for almost four months now.

"You know I cannot let you do that", Jungkook sighed, as if talking sense into a stupid child. Seokjin scrunched his face at the patronizing tone, "You are only three weeks away from your due date. You are vulnerable and an easy target. I cannot let you out of the safety of our house. Please understand that."

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