Chase (Pt. 1/2) (Jinkook #14)

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Commissioned by: anon

Tags: Dark Jk, Imprinting, Alpha Jk, Omega Jin, Mind Break, Scent Drunk, Extremely Dubious Consent, Dark Ending.


"Y-you are mistaken", Seokjin tried to reason as Jungkook pulled out his cock. That thing was so big it would definitely tear Seokjin apart if Jungkook shoved it in without prep, "I am not your o-omega. I'm not mated to anyone."

"You belong to me", Jungkook grinned, pointed canines making Seokjin shiver in fear, "I imprinted on you. You are mine now."

Dew's note: THIS HAS MIND BREAK! Even though Seokjin consents, he is not in his right mind! So please be cautious if you choose to read this! No crying or sad sex but still DARK.

Words: 3636

"Yoongi?" Seokjin called out in the seemingly empty apartment. He and Yoongi were supposed to work on a project together that day. When Seokjin came to the younger's apartment, the door was unlocked but no one greeted him in the living room.

"Weird. Why did he left the door open if he is not here?" Seokjin wondered out loud. After a few minutes of waiting, he sighed and moved towards the entrance.

A growl came from down the hallway.

"Yoongi?" Seokjin called out, brows furrowing, "Are you hurt?"

Though Seokjin was an Omega, he was not scared of the animalistic growl of an alpha. He knew that Yoongi was mated and had his rut just few weeks ago. So this growl must be of pain or frustration.

"Yoongi?" He called out again. The door that the growl came from was not leaking alpha pheromones like it would have if the alpha behind it was rutting. So Seokjin did not hesitate before opening it.

He... Might have forgotten that Yoongi had a younger brother.

Jungkook laid there on the floor in a fetal position. He was growling and groaning in his arms, emitting the strong scent of an alpha.

But he is supposed to be a Beta... Seokjin thought.

"Jungkook-shi? Are you okay?"

Seokjin was confused. This was not a rutting alpha, though his pheromones were strong but they were not engulfing the whole room in its scent. It took him a few minutes to realise what he was seeing.

Jungkook was presenting.

Normally, children would present anywhere between the ages of 13 and 17. The younger someone presents, the easier the process is. Younger teen just get a fever hours before their eyes turn a significant colour. Older ones would almost have a heatstroke where they needed to be submerged in cold water for hours before their eyes turned colour.

Seokjin was sure Jungkook was older than that. And as much as he was scared, he could not let the man die of a possible heatstroke.

"Jungkook? Can you hear me?" Seokjin spoke, coming to kneel beside the man. The presenting alpha just groaned, not looking up from where he was trying to fold into himself, "Listen, we need to get you in a bathtub."

Seokjin hesitated for only a second before reaching out to touch the exposed neck. Before even touching the skin, he could feel intense heat it was radiating. The touch was as sweltering as he had expected, almost burning his fingers.

Yeah... If I leave him here, he will definitely die of over heating.

Putting down his bag, Seokjin wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and pulled him in an upright position. The young man was too big for him to carry, so he had to pull him up with a lot of effort.

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