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1'it's like shrodinger's gender, am I cis? Am I trans? Am I non binary? Let's not open the box and find out because while it is none and all I don't have to do shit'

1'smol cat'
2'love cat'

1'my truck runs on recycled dinosaurs'

1'did you spill ketchup on your hair?'
2'I am concerned about what kind of ketchup you have been eating, this is purple hair dye'

1'that's a cool dog!'
2'we're in deep sea world, that is a shark'

1'we need to have another sleepover soon'
2'yeah we really need to have deep conversations at 3AM lying on the carpet rather than at 4PM on the swings next to tesco'

1'I thought the maths teacher died?'
2'yeah he did, that's a substitute'
1'Oh right'
2'I shot the last one during fractions'

1'it's a sad life for a panda murderer like me'

1'your hair is a mess'
2'much like the rest of my life, now hurry up'

1'are you ok there?'
2'have you forgotten who you're talking to?'

1'ok there is a few bits of shit I have to do'

1'hey wanna go out some time?'
2'I'm not even a girl'
1'Oh ok... Wanna go out anyway?'
2'no but that was pretty smooth'

1'lol attack helicopter'
2'weren't you banned from coming near us because of assault, harassment, sexism, transphobia, homophobia and fighting 3 people?'

1'is that a dead rat?'
2'nope it's a live snapping turtle and now my finger is bleeding'

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