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1'50 shades'

1'I get emotional when I stay up late'
1'me too, I'm an emotional mess at night'
1'I'm hungry.'

1'wait shit'

1'you may not sex the quotes book'
1'i have changed my stance on this, you may sex the quotes book'

1'please remove all paper tissues from grandparents'

1'we are not asking mister bussy if you're a gremlin'

1'you are a ribcage'

1'i want to watch IT so that I can see Finn Wolfhard with another random twink'

1'hi my name's goat I don't like doing what I'm told, and I'm about to pee myself'

1'aw Sam_191 I expected you not to like Jesus. Especially since you're a haybail'

1'i forgot I killed your wife, yeah, sorry about that'

1'are they back to full likeyness'

1'nickleback wishes they could open beans'

1'dont you wish you girlfriend was hot like me?'
2'no, I wish my pasta would get here quicker though'

1'fuck, I'm late, with my motherfucking beans'

1'remember when Mark gave birth to Freddy Mercury?'

1'whats his greatest fear?'
2'turning into an alligator'
2'poisioning people'

1'we are not encouraging cannibalism'
2'we are absolutely encouraging cannibalism'

1'oh you turn toes into sausages? Nice, I remove peoples teeth and hang them on the wall in little pull string bags!'

1'you cant eat your dad just because you're a man, mum'

1'is that's rich tomato dip good?'
1'good, cuz I ate my grandma'

1'whats the bird that gives you your child?'

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