21 1 0

Sorry for the late chapter lmao


1'where's my fucking therapy bird?'

1*bending down to talk to cat*
1'hello my little autistic friend'

1'communist tits, I'm gonna go with communist tits'

1'she crawled out my balls'
2'damn, I dont think that's how childbirth occurs'

1'sorry, sniffles, but you're delicious'

1'oi wake up I need to shit, come with me'

1(very sad)'apparently I'm only allowed to kill a bunch of Nazis if I connect to Facebook'

1'im a gas leak'
2'why are you in the air?'
3'im a termite'

1'He just doesn’t like secrets'
2'What does he want her to comb his nits in public?'

1'i need to be more detective like...'
1'im taking off my clothes.'

1'Matt Murdock's dad pissed on some turtles'

1'do not tell me that Matt Murdock's dad pissed on the powerpuff girls'

1'its a burrito, it's filled with meat and it'll hold your feet'

1'...its a scarecrow.'
2'please dont p-'
3'i cant promise you anything'

1'i Canterbury'

1'wake up your milk'
2'wake up, you're milk'
3'the importance of spelling and punctuation'
4'why the fuck are either of those examples of grammar?'

1'the soul of a very hurt dog is trapped inside this shopping cart'
2'Oh ok.'

1'im gonna finger blast jesus'

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