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I apologise for the late update and small amount of quotes, it was a holiday week

1'my mum and grandma don't talk anymore'
1'this is why you don't cum in alcohol'

1'i dont like gollum, I mean MATERIAL GORWL but-'

1'hi drugs'
1'bye drugs'

1'there is only one lord of the ring'
2*excited duck noises*

1*dramatic turn round*
1'tetanus, not testicles'

1'is it comphet or am I some kind of men-likey???'

1'seggys? Pergenanet?'

1'now die by knees'

1'can I put my head on your shoulder?'
2'yeah sure, just dont make it gay'
2*makes it gay*

1'i saw so many skeletons today'
2'what are you, a whore?'

1'i don't drink poetry'

1'Legolas is flat earth confirmed'

1'my dad said labels are stupid'
2'yeah you have to snip them off of clothes and like- oh those kinds of labels!'

1'look at all my scented candles. Its cuz in a bro'

1'your birthday is a pregnancy away'
2'what the fuck'

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