thunder (requested)

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"If you grip my shirt any tighter you're gonna rip it." Mina teased as she took your hand from her shirt and into hers, giving it a comforting squeeze.

You put your head back on her chest and tried to focus on every soothing beat of her heart in your ear, but as the rain continued to pour and the thunder clapped so loud that it shook the house a little, you began to feel afraid once more.

"Hey, c'mon, baby. It's alright." She said, hoping you'd find a little comfort in the brush of her thumb along your hand and her soft voice in your ear.

But you trembled in her arms, terrified of the thunder that only continued to crash.

She was trying to find ways to comfort you, such as holding you close and turning your favorite film on. But the thunder wasn't stopping and the storm only continued to rage on outside the window, making your heart race and causing you to shake in her arms.

"How are you so calm?" You wondered, lifting your head from her chest, only to bury your face in her neck when the thunder clapped yet again.

"I love thunder. It fascinates me."

You jumped at the sound as it hit again and Mina tightened her arms around you a little.

"Weirdo." You teased and slowly lifted your head to gaze up at her.

She pinched and tickled your sides, holding you tight when you squirmed in her arms.

"I know you're scared, but you don't have to worry. I'm here with you. You know you're always safe with me."

"I know. Thanks, Mina."

She gave you a sweet kiss, one that would've made you melt had it not been for the thunder crashing again.

"Shh. I've got you." She comforted and gently pushed your head back down on her chest.

"Don't focus on the storm, focus on me. I'm right here. Take a good look around; we're safe inside, curled up in our cozy bed together. You're right here in my arms, safe and secure, where absolutely nothing can hurt you. I know the sound is scary and sudden, but you have no reason to be afraid. I promise I won't let go of you."

It's moments like these when you can't help but wonder how you got so lucky, wonder what on earth you did so right to deserve her. You've always feared the thunder and there's never been much to comfort you when it hit.

But with Mina right here to hold you, you know there's nothing to be afraid of. There's not a chance of anything bad happening when she's there with you.

"Thank you."

"For what?" She chuckled as she brushed her nails gently along your back, only relaxing you more.

"For helping me through this. For making me feel safe. For loving me and making everything alright."

"There's no need to thank me for that." She smiled as she cupped your cheek, softly stroking it with her palm. "Just relax, my love."

And relax you did.

You felt your worries slip away as you breathed in her smell and held her close.

The movie played in the background and despite the thunder continuing to crash, you stopped jumping and melted into her warm arms, where you felt most secure and content.

You know with Mina right there by your side, you'll always be safe and sound, and you can get through anything.

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