she won't take off your hoodie

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The sound of running water and Mina's voice echoing through the bathroom woke you from your slumber. As soon as your eyes opened, you were smiling from ear to ear. You recognize the song; it's one that's been stuck in her head recently, one she finds herself singing quite often. Not that you're complaining. You love the sound of her voice.

You sat up slowly and stretched your arms out over your head. The strap of your tank-top slid down your shoulder and a chill rushed down your spine. You rubbed your hands over your arms, hoping to warm yourself up. But you still felt cold.

As much as you hated the thought of leaving the warm, cozy bed, and especially knowing that Mina was probably almost finished with her shower and would crawl right back in beside you, you couldn't really stand feeling so cold any longer.

You kicked the blanket off of your legs and started to look around for your hoodie.

Weird... you could've sworn that you left it on the floor last night when you were a little too warm and found yourself feeling more comfortable in the top you'd thrown on. But it wasn't there any longer.

You wondered if Mina had cleaned the floor up before she got into the shower. So you started to search for it.

You checked the basket first. There were only a few things in there, and your hoodie definitely wasn't there. You headed to the closet and started to look through all the clothes that were hanging up, as well as the few that had fallen off of the hangers and onto the floor.

But it still was nowhere to be found.


You yelled out as the bathroom door opened. You felt a rush of heat and steam from the water before you heard her bare feet on the floor.

"Yes, darling?"

"Did you by chance see my hoodie this morning? I threw it on the floor. I could've sworn that I left it there."

She was quiet for a moment before she answered.


You didn't believe her though. Not from the way she dragged the word out.

"You sure? Because I think you stole it..." You smirked and turned around to find her there in your hoodie, just as you thought you would.

She looked super cute though. With her damp hair still a little messy since she hasn't had a chance to comb it out quite yet, bare-faced, and in only your hoodie; it was a sight you'd never grow tired of seeing.

"I was right." You teased as you stepped closer. "You look so adorable I almost don't want to ask you to take it off!" You grinned and wrapped your arms around her. Her eyes lit up and her heart started to beat rapidly when you kissed her cheek. "Almost." You chuckled. "Because I'm cold and I need it."

"Too bad, so sad. I'm not taking it off." She smirked. "I really don't think you mind all that much anyway."

She leaned in, lips softly brushing over yours.

"But if you're cold, you can go through my things in the closet and find one my hoodies. Whatever you'd like to wear."

You excitedly rushed to the closet and looked through all of her clothes before ultimately deciding on one of her cozy sweaters.

"Warm now?"

You nodded and looped your arms around her neck. "Very." You said before kissing her cheek and taking her hand to go downstairs for some breakfast.

Mina Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now