taking care of the baby when you're sick (requested)

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"How do you feel now? Any better?" Mina asked as she helped you lay back down in bed, covering you up with the blankets as you shivered again.

She felt your forehead and her heart sank a little when she realized that you were burning up.

It was a lot for her to handle, even more so than seeing you so sick would be. Because you've come down with a terrible case of the flu.

It's about five in the morning now and at first, when she felt you rush out of bed, she didn't think too much of it.

You've got an almost four-week-old baby and you're always on your feet to care for her when she cries.

But you didn't rush across the hall, you rushed into the bathroom, and the sound of you throwing up was enough to make Mina jump out of bed.

But the anxiety that she felt at those moments didn't stop even now that you've finished puking.

The worries are still lingering in her mind and her heart is aching seeing you this way, especially since you've been through so much over the last few weeks to bring your daughter into the world and be the best mother you can be to her; just like Mina was.

"I don't feel like I'm going to throw up anymore if that's what you're asking. But I feel terrible still."

You closed your eyes with a heavy sigh and just then, you heard the sound of your little girl crying across the hall.

"No, don't get up, baby," Mina said, gently pushing at your shoulders as you attempted to sit up. "You're sick. I'll take care of her."

"Are you sure you can take care of her on your own, babe?"

"Hey, I'm her mom too." She defended, although jokingly, with a small smile on her face and you shook your head weakly.

"That's not what-"

"Shh." She interrupted. "I know it's not what you meant. I was just teasing you a little." She said as she stroked your cheek. "Don't worry, I've got her. You just get some rest and focus on feeling better. If you need anything, yell and I'll get to you as soon as possible to get you whatever you need."

You nodded and closed your eyes to fall asleep while Mina quickly went and washed her hands before she went across the hall to your little girl.

Her little cries broke Mina's heart. They always do.

Instinctively, she reached inside and gently picked her up, letting the baby lay her soft cheek on her shoulder.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here." She soothed as she rubbed the baby's back.

She walked around the room and patted her back softly, trying to calm her down.

But your little girl continued to cry, continuing to break Mina's heart.

"Are you hungry?" Mina wondered as she kissed your daughter's head a few times. "It's okay. I'll make it all better."

She quietly padded down the stairs, careful with each and every step that she took. She went into the kitchen, grabbing one of the bottles to quickly prepare it for her as the baby continued to fuss.

"It's okay. Everything's okay." Mina whispered as she walked into the living room.

She sat on the couch and gently placed the baby in her arms, letting her rest her tiny head on her arm before she began to feed her a little.

"I hate seeing you so sad. I don't want you to cry anymore. Everything's going to be just fine, I promise you."

Soon, the baby was done and relaxed in Mina's arms.

Mina let out a sigh of relief when your daughter's cries turned into whimpers before she went quiet, while her cheek rested on her shoulder.

"I can't stop staring at you. I can't get over how precious you are." Mina whispered, her eyes locked on your little girl. "You've only been in the world for a few weeks and you've already changed our lives so much. You're a little ray of sunshine, the most precious and beautiful little baby I've ever seen, always here to brighten up our days."

She smiled as her heart swelled in her chest, feeling so much love for the tiny human in her arms.

"You might wake us up a lot throughout the night but you're worth it every time." She whispered, kissing the baby's head. "You're so cute. Look at your little tiny ears." She giggled quietly.

She went quiet for a moment as she leaned back against the cushions and closed her eyes, listening to the baby's soft breaths as she slept on her mom.

"Your mom is sick right now, with the flu, I think." Mina sighed. " So, I guess it's just you and me until your mother feels better, which will be a few days or so. We can handle that, right? We're a little team. We understand each other well."

Her heart skipped a beat as your daughter let out a couple of soft sounds in her sleep.

"We'll be okay, my baby. Everything will be okay."

She started to sing quietly, every word of somewhere over the rainbow slipping from her lips so naturally as she stared at your little girl, who was like your little twin, and made Mina adore her even more.

"I think we'll stay right here for right now." Mina sighed contentedly, laying her head back against the cushion. "I love you so much. Words won't ever be enough to express it to you."

A few more kisses were peppered to your little girl's head before Mina yawned a little and closed her eyes, drifting into a light but peaceful sleep as your daughter slept on your chest and you slept upstairs in bed, hoping to feel better soon.

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