she scolds you (requested)

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Placing the empty cup on the table in front of you, you leaned back into Mina's arms as she continued to focus her attention on the movie.

The empty cup is just one of many that you've finished today.

You've had quite a few cups of milk tea today, a little more than usual.

But you can't help it.

You love the taste of it so much that if you could, you'd drink it all day every day, and nothing else.

But there's one problem with all of the milk tea that you've drunk.

It's starting to give you a little stomach ache.

You shifted around in Mina's embrace, feeling a little uncomfortable as the ache in your stomach started.

At first, it wasn't anything intense.

It was just a little pain.

But Mina, knowing you all too well, knew that you were starting to feel unwell.

"Are you okay, darling?" She asked as she brushed her fingers across your arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You said as you looked up at her after putting your head on her shoulder.

You faked a smile, pretending that you felt fine when, in actuality, your stomach was starting to hurt worse.

Mina eyed the empty cup on the table and realized that you had finished yet another cup of your favorite beverage.

You didn't have to tell her that all the milk tea you drank was starting to make you feel ill, she knew.

It was bound to happen since you drank about four cups of it today.

And the cups you drank weren't small either.

You pulled away from Mina, unwrapping her arms from around you so you could lean forward a little when your stomach started to hurt more.

You clutched it with a whimper and you hoped that Mina didn't hear it, but she did.

"Your stomach hurts, doesn't it?" She asked as she put her hand on your back. "From all that milk tea you drank?"

You wanted to roll your eyes at her and lie that you were fine or, possibly, make something up so she couldn't scold you about your love of milk tea.

"Baby, I told you that you've been drinking too much of that. Now your tummy is sore." She said as a pout appeared on her lips.

She hates when you don't feel well.

It breaks her heart.

And she hates it even more that she has to scold you for the cause of you feeling sick now.

"You had a couple of them yesterday and a few today. It's making you feel sick."

"No, it isn't. I'm perfectly fine." You lied as you looked back at her.

But she shook her head as you whimpered once more from the pain.

"No, you're not fine. Your stomach hurts. Don't bother trying to lie to me, I know you better than you know yourself."

You sighed and lowered your head a little, knowing that she was right and it was time to face the truth about your love of milk tea.

"You've got to slow it down on the milk tea, baby girl."

"I know." You mumbled. "But it's so good, I can't help it."

"I know, sweet girl. But it's for the best. One cup is okay but let's try to stick with that. We can make an exception here and there where you can have more than one but for now, let's just have one. That way you don't feel so sick to your stomach."

"You're right." You said before sighing. "Okay. As much as I love it, I'll slow down on it."

"Good." She said and kissed your cheek. "Let's go to bed. We can cuddle and you can relax. Hopefully, you'll start feeling better soon."

You nodded and stood up with her.

She turned the tv off and grabbed her phone and yours before walking up the stairs.

And when you got into bed together, she covered you up and let you lay your head on her chest as she rubbed your stomach soothingly and turned on another movie, hoping to help you feel better.

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