Chapter 81- Kage

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It was an emergency, or at least alarming enough to rattle Azuki, causing him to race through his apartment-home. He raced to the bottom floor, through the corridor by-passing each of his worried employees; who were treated to a momentary draft. He'd finally spotted Ren in the employee-canteen, amongst other workers eating his lunch.

Ren who had been wistfully caught up in his co-worker's chatter didn't notice the panic that had entered the atmosphere. The ones who were chatting carelessly, now stood and bowed; one with still half a sandwich in his mouth.

Ao-Rens directed his gaze to the figure behind him. A shadow of gloom haunted him – that shadow being Azuki. Ren now had an inner crisis, one telling him to abandon his food and accompany the man, the other telling him to forget he saw anything. He attempted to lead with the latter, but could've sworn he heard a grumble leave the man's mouth and promptly decided otherwise. He gave an apologetic nod to his co-workers - who were too afraid to notice the gesture - and followed Azuki.

"Is it Kage again?" he guessed, his voice was always levelled and monotonous so his bitterness if so, felt couldn't be heard through words.

Azuki nodded with an air of nobility and tolerance, which couldn't be said for the predicament he couldn't handle.

"Ren I won't do this anymore; I will allow you to rear the child until I find someone suitable

Ren frowned,"But I'm not sure that's a good id..."

Azuki jumped in, cutting him off before he could say anymore. "Enough said. Ren, I've made up my mind"

With this Ren took it as he could, and dealt with the matter at hand, rather than pointlessly dispute with his boss. This minor occurrence didn't faze him at this point of time. In fact, it was expected somewhat, at least on Azuki's behalf. Not to mention he wasn't quite a paternal person and this act of abandonment appeared to be a temporary habit. Which had actually occurred several times prior to this point in time. Now It was simply a matter of how long until it happens.

In the meantime, as usual, he had gathered toys, pre-made bottles, dummies, clothes, powder, wipes and nappies all hurled into a bag. The preparation was something he now prided himself upon.

Treading through the halls Ren didn't even have to strain his ears to hear a soft repetitive and unruly set of wailing, coming from beyond the door. Ren braced himself as he opened the door, just as he thought, items and toys supposed to be surrounding the child's crib were floating in the air.

The significant fact was, that this child is an entity of celestial blood. Within a few week the fact no longer blew his mind. After a course of time in fact, it was something he'd gotten familiar with and adapted to; now anything otherwise would be abnormal to him instead.

The same could be said for his feelings toward Azuki. In the past Azuki's often changing disposition kept Ren on his toes and his past instability was a tough barrier to overcome.

Now in his personality, there was equilibrium; a balance. Making the man far more bearable. But that being said, there was the current Azuki who was calm and vastly wiser who on occasion casually flaunted supernatural abilities that massively exceeded, something akin to a simple magic trick. Sometimes he'd display literal explosions of power.

A stoic and adaptable person, as to how he fairly regarded himself to be. He could only receive so much information and surprise before burning out completely. And so, he did. But with his outstanding loyalty and many promotions as a prospect hastened Rens own acceptance to his new reality. But in regards to the old Azuki compared to the child, it was light work.

"It's okay" Ren assured as he eased closer.

The child's wails quietened and he peered up at Ren through the crib's barrier with a guarded pout. Ren couldn't help but feel nervous. He pulled out a freshly made bottle and once more tested it on his wrist, before presenting it. The child's calmness distracted Ren, from the flying objects, consequently causing him to bump his head into one. Again, the child cried more intensely however, "It's okay" he tried again, but none of the attempts at soothing him prevailed.

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