Chapter 2 - A Change

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Finally giving birth to her child Haruka cried. She couldn't help but think "he was definitely a gift from the Gods, a beautiful angel". A miracle from years of trying Haruka was blessed with a child. She embraced the child and cried deeply, "I've decided Miyuki, Miyuki it feels right".

Standing next to the hospital bed, Satoshi smiled," you did well Haruka, Miyuki is just right". "Satoshi hold your son, he's so warm". Satoshi held the child "This is our child," tears started to descend from his face. "you did very well Haruka", it was his child.

So, this was his 'family', come to think of it as a Deity he'd never truly had a family. A new start and a new name Miyuki.

They were a poor family, barely going by, however with the new addition to the family Satoshi was determined to work extra hard at his job to support the family.


Whilst being raised as a human Mikage understood the basic mechanics of his body. At 12 there was disappointingly no trace of his powers, so re-training his body was a priority as humans were weak and as a God, martial arts or abilities were important.

Of course, he was disengaged with others his age, even he personally distanced himself. He looked like an adult in a child's body, an intriguing sight.

 Even his insight and perception were above average, especially for a child. His parents could faintly feel their child was unordinary, it was and if he were observing them from a distance. Even so being around him was oddly quite literally soothing.

Although he's distant he wasn't unkind, just different. Was Haruka's belief about him. As he was different Haruka accepted that fact and tried every way to support him.

"Miyuki would you like Oka-San to take you to the new library," Haruka beamed happily, as she hugged Miyuki. "Hai, Oka-sama" although he was technically much older compared to Haruka, it wasn't bad playing the role of child.


Haruka was cheerful and optimistic. "Would you like to visit the shrine for new years with Oka-Sama?" Haruka started, it quite a far journey, therefore, they never visited.

'No!' Mikage stopped in his tracks with Haruka holding his hand. He didn't want to be reminded of anything remotely sacred, it gave Mikage a bad taste. He looked upset and looked up to Haruka, "I don't want to, Oka-sama."

Haruka sighed softly at his response, it can't be helped it's not very often Miyuki would react in such a way, but she won't force him. She rubbed his small head, "Don't make such a face, it hurts Oka-Sama's heart, ne?"

Before Mikage answered a car unexpectedly swerved towards them. At this moment Mikage felt heavy, his body wanted to move faster, his limbs were too slow, he could see the car inching nearer, yet he couldn't move fully out of the way.

For the first time since his rebirth, he'd wish so much for his old body. He didn't want to die.

Mikage closed his eyes bracing for the impact. Suddenly he felt his body being thrusted forward. It wasn't the car. He reflexively opened his eyes. It was Haruka Oka-Sama. 'Don't' he couldn't voice his words again. 'Don't' he repeated as he threw his arm out toward her.

She is such a scary-cat, so why does she look so determined. Even though she'd cry over something as harmless and insignificant as a bug, why did her face look so tranquil now? It was as if she were saying 'don't make such a sad face'.

His arm was too short. It wouldn't reach her. "Oka-sama!!"

She was forced away by the cars powerful impact.

He rushed to the limp bloody body, logically speaking it would be correct to accept that she'd passed away instantly. However, currently, Mikage couldn't accept that reality.

He felt his eyes burning, his chest and throat felt uncomfortable 'Oka-sama' he whispered painfully.

"Oka-same please, nee? Oka-sama don't go anywhere" he said this holding Haruka's lifeless hand. His tears started to blur his vision.

He could faintly sense her soul was trying to detach itself from her body. "Wait! Oka-Sama, what about Otou-Sama, what would happen to him if you leave".

He couldn't do anything, not once in his life has he felt pain as intense as this. He was powerless, useless what kind of God was he when he couldn't protect one person.

He cried extremely hard until someone forcefully separated the young boy from his mother.


Haruna died that instant she got hit.

Mikage realised how weak and powerless he was. It took a small and weak human to protect him, another small and weak human. It was arduous.


5 years

His Godly powers started to appear extremely faintly, just heightened physical abilities and very minimal psychic abilities.

Following Haruka's death, Satoshi his Otou-Sama couldn't bear the pain which led him to drink; to ease the pain. Eventually losing his job in the process. This God fully accepted his human form and the responsibilities and bonds coming with the form.

Stepping up Mikage took up more responsibilities, he began to work whenever he could. Balancing high school and work simultaneously was not particularly difficult, just inconvenient.

His work was the only source of income, hence quitting school to support him and his father, he was now responsible for him; in place of Haruka.

Finally maturing his previous life features started to form, he was a truly stunning sight. He'd embodied his previous androgynous beauty, leaning slightly more to masculine. Beautiful mesmerising slender eyes, a perfect facial structure completed with a lovely nose.

This was an intoxicating sight for men as much as it were to women. As a matter of fact, his looks got him into numerous amounts of trouble. From unwanted attention everywhere; harassment at his part-time jobs, special attention from his boss' or just general harassment on the street. People did not seem to care whether he was female or male.

Even some people attempted to grope him, however, due to his superior abilities and martial arts, they were unable to lay a single hand on him, before he aggressively retaliated.

The subjects of retaliation ranged; from literally being thrown single handily or paralyzed due to their pressure points being pressed by Mikage. 

It was divine punishment for such audacious people.  

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