Chapter 14 - I won't let go!

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Guy's!!!! i'm extremely sorry for the looong update and thanks for always reading. I really appreciate it.

"I don't know what sort of ideas you seem to have but really, it's none of your concern. However, if you don't trust me than that is fine. I have no intention to intrude any longer." Mikage said indifferently. If anything, he still had one more move to protect his father; as undesirable as it might be he had a way out.

Ryuu made an unfathomable face. "Furthermore, I'll appreciate it if you stopped squeezing my waist and let me go now, or it might actually break this time".

"No, I won't let go" Ryuu said possessively. "I trust you. if don't want to tell me about Akira then you're free not to, but understand this," his eyes lit up dangerously. "Now that you're in my embrace I have no intention of ever letting you, do you understand?".

Ryuu loosened his grip and stood up placing Mikage in a princess hold, he started walking. 'Perhaps he unintentionally chose somebody more dangerous than Akira'. Mikage was momentarily stunned but that did didn't stop him from saying his thoughts.

"Well try to control me if you can, but listen, no one in this world can tame me, do you understand?" Mikage rebutted in an equally intimidating tone. Mikage's cold smile didn't reach his eyes. However, his intimidation didn't come off as threatening since Mikage was in Ryuu's embrace.

Ryuu realised Mikage was certainly not ordinary; the charisma he gave off was unlike any other he'd ever come across before. But it was exactly this that draws him towards this rare sort of person. It made his heart subconsciously tremble. "We'll see then," Ryuu said mysteriously.

Mikage squeezed Ryuu arm. "What is it" Ryuu raised his eyebrow this person surely did have a lot of power in his grip. "where are you taking me, the wheelchair is that way" he pointed. Mikage would much rather be pushed in a wheelchair than be carried around in such a way.

Ryuu squeezed Mikage's leg, causing Mikage to whimper in pain, Mikage reflexively moved his head into Ryuu's embrace. It was extremely cute; a large contrast to his cool appearance. Ryuu couldn't help but smile, it was a terribly cute reaction; completely different from what he expected

Ryuu waited for some sort of comeback or retort from Mikage, however, Mikage did not move his head from Ryuu's embrace. Ryuu took notice of Mikage's bright red ears, 'maybe he was embarrassed' Ryuu predicted that was it was the most likely explanation. He quite liked Mikage's meek nature.

Mikage was a person who was rarely exposed to pain because of his endurable limits, but at this moment he was considerably weak.

Ryuu couldn't remember a time where he found something so funny to occur. As tempting as it was to tease Mikage, he didn't, to indulge Mikage and his pride.

"I'm taking you to see a doctor, for your legs," he said in a serious manner continuing the conversation.

"That won't be necessary", Mikage said his voice muffled in Ryuu's clothes. Never had Mikage 'needed' a doctor as they were an inconvenience. "Oohh, and why is that," Ryuu asked, thinking the boy was being stubborn. Mikage knew from his tone what he was thinking, he moved his head out from Ryuu's embrace and looked into Ryuu's eyes to show Ryuu his seriousness.

"An injury like this is something I can handle myself. Do you trust me?" Mikage spoke intently, although it was a long shot, it was worth a try. Ryuu heart began to race again and not because of Mikage's question. But his face it was slightly red and his eyes were misty. 'Was he tempting me on purpose, if so it worked'.

"I do," Ryuu said deeply. "The things I need to help me are at my home," Mikage said. His acupuncture needles were there, along with his personally produce medicine for various things. His alternatives saved a lot of hospital bills and got him a substantial amount of money.

Ryuu understood where he was getting to "I will accompany you" he said firmly.


"Whose name did you say!" someone said in an ominous voice. "He said it was the Seiryu-kai, without a doubt," Ao Ren relayed shaking his head internally.

How exactly did that Koutaoru Miyuki get acquainted with that infamous yakuza boss, it was simply baffling the things he'd done. Ao Ren breathed in preparing himself of the tragedy that is going to occur, according to his boss' temperament.

"Call him in", Akira said disturbingly. "Y...yes Akira-Sama," Ao Ren tensely stuttered, no matter how many times he experienced it, he still couldn't get used to it.

Pure bloodlust; extreme malevolence it could raise anyone's alarms. He couldn't even attempt to look into his eyes, his voice alone induced goosebumps.

The person who entered, his face was covered in dark bruises; not allowing one to see his original looks, blood and dirt stained his clothes; increasing his dishevelled appearance.

He grovelled, "Boss it's the truth it was definitely the Seiryu-kai, they told me to say. 'If you target Miyuki in any-way it is war", the beaten down man relayed in Chinese, through his trembling teeth. His forehead touching the floor he didn't dare to raise his head and look at the reaper himself.

He went closer to Akira's legs attempting to beg him, "Spare me boss, please spare me pleas..." before he reached Akira's legs. Akira kicked his face with enough power to send him flying back. "Spare you, you useless thing your life is worth not that even of a maggot", Akira said terrifyingly.

He continued to smash his face in until the blood and brain fragments started to fall on the carpet, "Arghh!! you pathetic waste, even when dead you vex me!", he said frustrated, the person's disgusting blood was all over him.

The bloodlust in his eyes diminished slightly. Akira started to walk away, "Ao Ren deal with it".  

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