Chapter 27 - Warning

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Exercising a large amount of effort Ryuu tried to struggle out of his paralysis; he managed to just about move his hands.

He flipped his head over towards Mikage direction.

The person who was responsible was sitting in a chair visibly unconcerned at Ryuu's struggles. Mikage calmly flicked to the next page deeply engrossed in a book not paying Ryuu any sympathy or attention. Never had Ryuu met anyone as daring as Mikage.

If any of Ryuu's subordinates were present they would be wishing Mikage a painless death.

His eyes quickly skimmed through the book and placed it down; it was a medical book specifying the human anatomy; Satou-sensei gave it to him as a means to pass time.

Satou gave him the book with the mindset that Mikage will vaguely get an idea of the complex information within the book. He would be completely blown away if he found Mikage had finished the dense textbook on that same day he was given it.

On average It would take a person over a year to fully consume the whole context. However, it only took Mikage a little time to completely finish it. It could be said that his IQ was quite high due to his developed memorisation ability. In the past Mikage would look at plenty of books from the library to familiarise himself with many different things in the world.

Mikage looked up from the book, finally paying Ryuu attention. Mikage stood up steading himself, he estimated it was about time to remove the needle or it would cause stress onto Ryuu's body.

He limped towards the hospital bed "have you reflected?" Mikage asked, looking at the others dangerous eyes, unfazed.

Ryuu remained silent, Mikage sighed at his silence, "fine" he stroked Ryuu's neck and decisively pulled out the needle.

Ryuu immediately sprung up as soon as he was released and clasped Mikage neck dragging him down onto the bed. "Do you think you can continue with that conduct".

Mikage felt his airways being suffocated, Ryuu's grip was tight. Even under the danger and murderous look, Ryuu was protruding, Mikage's eyes contained no fear, he just continued to stare

" I pre...haps?" Mikage managed to squeeze out some fearless words under Ryuu's grip. Ryuu let go of his neck "Don't you fear death" Ryuu asked releasing Mikage's neck, he stood up calmly readjusting his clothes as if the tension didn't exist in the first place.

After Mikage coughed a few times holding onto his neck, "Death? You were going to kill me? That's a lie, isn't it".

"You think I can't" Ryuu faced the boy severely glaring at him.

"It not that you can't, it's more that you won't," Mikage said.

"You seem so positive that your place is so secure, do you believe that I don't have it in me to kill you?" Ryuu tested.

"If you wanted to, you could have a long time ago rather than uselessly discuss it, but since I'm not dead, I believe you won't kill me," Mikage said confidently smiling. He smiled because this a conversation similar to the one in his dream, it was pleasantly coincidental.

Furthermore, now he's having the conversation again with another person who's similar in terms of coarseness.

Mikage actually predicted he'd lash out, but Ryuu didn't lash out due to anger, but with the purpose of using his own 'unique' way to teach him a lesson.

Ryuu had no intention of actually harming Miyuki beyond what was necessary but Ryuu needed to demonstrate to Mikage, such a mysterious person, it was difficult to get an inkling of he was thinking.

He wanted to help him; but had no way of knowing how to commute it properly, other than using his way; which was forceful. Growing up in such a violent environment force was the only way he knew how.

Ryuu placed his palm on his face, this person saw right through him. No matter how normal this boy's background was, the fact is he is definitely extraordinary. "You seem so confident the way in which you think about me", Ryuu was intrigued by his mindset.

Mikage sighed closing his eyes "it's like I've known you for hundreds of years". Ryuu felt a pound in his heart, but he didn't take Miyuki's word too seriously as he clearly exaggerated.

"In my world, anything can happen, so don't get too carried away. Because I might not always be here to protect you" Ryuu warned. He knew it wasn't necessary to explain in too much detail about getting involved with him because Miyuki was smart, but still, Ryuu needed confirmation.

"I can't promise you anything", Mikage freely answered.

Ryuu sighed frustrated, 'It didn't seem like his mind would be changed so easily'

"As long as you're aware," Ryuu helplessly said.

"I am," Mikage sincerely answered knowingly.

"Are you certain? once you step into my world you can't step out" Ryuu reminded again. 'If Miyuki agreed to stay there was no way Ryuu was going to let him go.'

"I'm fully aware of my own actions" he looked profoundly into Ryuu's eyes to show his determination. Ryuu saw how deep his eyes, although he gave Miyuki a chance to get out of this. In actuality, he never wanted to let Miyuki go, but he knew it wasn't right to force him.

"Also, don't spontaneously pounce on me, you will be the cause of my waist breaking" Mikage complained, breaking the serious atmosphere.

"I can't say I'll promise you" Ryuu responded, squinting his eyes dangerously.

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