Chapter 13 - Aniki

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After washing Mikage down he carried Mikage and carefully placed him in the spacious bath, then turned back to shower himself.

Mikage felt the bath elements healing him, it was extremely comforting. He then opened one eye leaning on the edge of the bath. 'Is this compensation for overdoing it', Mikage wondered.

He stared at the other person, 'perhaps I will forgive him for all the marks he put on me'. He stared at the persons back, 'a tattoo of a dragon'. "a dragon, like your name", Mikage said.

"It is scary?" Ryuu asked.

"No, not at all," he said calmly. "You know dragons are powerful divine creatures, their power is so immense that even Gods fear it. But is power something to fear? I don't think so." Mikage said thoughtfully.

Somehow when Mikage said that, it was deeply moving. Ryuu walked over to the bath and stepped into it. He relaxingly held Mikage in his embrace and leaned onto Mikage's smaller shoulder. He felt extremely comforted, being so close to Mikage relaxed him; he felt Mikage was even more healing than the bath.

"You still didn't tell me your name", Ryuu said in realisation. "It's Miyuki, you can call me that," Miyuki said. "Miyuki", Ryuu repeated. "It suits you".

Mikage yawned and drifted off into the other person's large embrace, it was somehow nostalgic. Ryuu smiled in response to Mikage's actions.


Mikage awoke to find himself in the bed he'd previously entangled with Ryuu in, but this time he was alone. It was currently night, 'shit, to think he actually fell asleep, much more in a bath'. He got up finding himself wearing a yukata, it felt comfortable.

He wanted to find Ryuu to discuss his father's issue. He staggered towards the door, 'it seems his legs would take more time to heal'. He pushed his legs to far this time, he needed acupuncture needles to help speed the healing process.

When he opened the door, what greeted him were around ten intimidating delinquents, he was surprised by the odd sight; it was slightly excessive.

Currently, Mikage's senses were weakened because his body was solely focused on healing his legs. One of them appeared in front of him with a wheelchair, "don't be so tense, boss told us to guide you to him when you woke up" he said welcomingly.

As embarrassing as it was for Mikage to sit in that chair, it was actually what he needed. "Then I'll impose on your kindness," Mikage said politely, with great internal struggles against sitting on the chair.

"You understand what you are supposed to do," the man said authoritatively. "Yes boss!!!" the crowd shouted enthusiastically. Then a delicate figure in a wheelchair accompanied by a group of aggressive looking delinquents entered the large room, it looked very out of place.

"Boss we brought Aniki!", the rough looking one pushing Mikage announced. 'Aniki' Mikage eyebrows wrinkled, he was at least twice Mikages physical age; 'wasn't addressing him Aniki out of place?'. The people who occupied the room curiosity was naturally piqued.

"He looks really weak, are you sure he actually took out one of Akira Zhou Wu's men Kenji-san" a younger delinquent started seizing up Mikage. He came closer to Mikage "just so you I don't trust a weak outsider like you" he said threateningly.

Mikage wasn't daunted at all, he appeared expressionless. Interrupting their face-off was a punch towards the delinquent's face. "you fucking idiot Hayato, don't you dare doubt boss's intuition, you disrespectful brat. Apologise to Aniki now".

The one who was called Hayato, crashed onto the floor holding his face looking down in indignation, he kissed his teeth and left hurriedly. "I'm sorry, Aniki although his head is in the wrong place, his heart is in the right place, he'll come around soon" Kenji reassured.

Ryuu, who was watching this whole thing, sat quietly with cold eyes spoke "Kenji". "Yes, boss" Kenji said alerted. "You will deal with Hayato, everyone is dismissed".

"Yes boss!!" the mob started to disperse until only two figures remained. Ryuu got up from his seat and picked up Mikage, placing him down on his thigh.

"I assume from what I've heard so far Akira is being dealt with?" Mikage asked. "Yes, he won't do anything out of place on my territory, I've already sent a warning he is smart, he won't carelessly move against me," Ryuu said guaranteeing.

"So, your friends with him?" Mikage questioned icily. "We've previously done business, but I wouldn't say we are close enough to be called friends. More akin to that of acquaintances."Ryuu confirmed.

"Actually I'm quite intrigued to figure out your relationship with him", Ryuu asked chillingly. He tightened his grip around Mikage's waist        

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