Chapter 3- Ayako-Chan

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The Main Characters name is Mikage, but people refer to him by his human name 'Miyuki' .

Baka- Silly/Idiot

yare yare- My oh my

It was nearing the end of his part-time job. "Miyuki-kun just carry those over there and then that's all for today." "Understood Kanzaki-san", Mikage replied. He finished up quickly. This job was suitable for him as it required strength which he had.

Kanzaki-san is Mikage's boss for 3 years he's pretty decent compared to the majority of bosses he's previously had. Mikage waved goodbye to Kanzaki "good days work". Mikage walked home and entered the shabby building which was his home. Before entering his corridor his removed his shoes, he lowered his sight to the figure on the floor unsurprised by the regular routine. 'Jeez, It seems Otou-Sama didn't make it to the bed this time.'

Mikage rolled Satoshi over onto his onto his back and swiftly pressed his acupoints. Mikage was aware the human anatomy was very much alike to that of the Gods. Therefore, applying acupuncture was to speed up the resistance of Satoshi's liver, to prevent the long-term effects of his alcohol consumption. This is pretty much all he could do for Satoshi; and also making sure they don't live on the streets.

After finishing his acupuncture, the 17-year-old placed the sleeping man over his shoulder and entering the only bedroom in the house before laying him on the futon. Mikage looked up at the clock it seems his next job will start in an hour.

Just after he exited his apartment building a Rolls Royce dramatically pulled up near him. Exiting was a luxuriously dressed beautiful young lady. "you're so cruel Miyuki-kun, I can't believe you didn't contact me for over a year", she ran at full speed towards Miyuki giving him an unrestrained hug. 

To which not only Mikage didn't resist he actually reciprocated by patting the smaller young lady's head. "I'm sorry, Ayako-Chan," he said softly comforting the young lady. "I missed you, you know, you evil baka!" she continued.

"I know, I missed you too", he said truthfully. This was the only person who he was actually friends with, she was relentless. As a high school student, Mikage was detached which made it hard for others to approach. Well everyone except the Ojou-Sama.


She was similar to him in a sense, she was scared of others; people using her or getting close to her because of her money. Resulting in her purposefully isolating herself from others.

However, when she paid attention to Mikage she found something different in him which set him apart from others. It seemed his eyes were looking at the surface of things, but in reality, they were out of the ordinary always looking into a distance; it was sad, his eyes reminded her of herself. She persistently attempted to become friends with him; which eventually succeeded.

Initially, this provoked her father Takehiro Hanazawa scepticism, due to his poor background. But he undoubtedly provided positive effects within herself, Mikage saw this Ojou-Sama as a baby chick who hadn't seen the world and was always curious about everything, it was adorable and undoubtedly fun.

But she only ever opened up to Mikage. They never let their different status have an effect on their friendship. Thereof they both had an understanding of each other. As he was her first friend, likewise she was his first human friend.

Then Mikage left high-school and disappeared.


"Mikage you have to come to my birthday party tomorrow, I finally found you", Ayako begged. "I can't do this without you, will you come", she said using her most effective puppy-dog face. It successfully worked on him, "yare yare, it seems I have no choice, do I?" he said.

He has a soft spot for his friend, she reminded him of his Inugami familiar; who he raised. And she learnt how to successfully utilize her puppy dog eyes. "Arigato Miyuki-kun, you know I can't do this without you, I love you", she cuddled him without reserve, she always liked to be close to Mikage since he gave off a comfortable feeling. So at every chance she got, she'd take advantage and snuggle up to him, but only to be to be rejected numerous.  

"Hai, hai I get Missus wondering hands", he said pushing her head away with his finger, successfully creating distance.

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