Chapter 82 - Trauma to the soul

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A headache assaulted Mikage, it besieged him faster by the second and heavier by the minute. So long and so persistent was it, that he'd lost a sense of himself. And his grasp on time loosened. Everything he once knew twisted to become muddled and confused.

'What was I doing' Mikage had thought but not a second was spared when his eyes shifted to a familiar place; a scene he knew painfully.

Then a particular voice made it all too clear, the man he heard lifted his foot and trampled on the mask accompanied him for a long time.
"You all heard it! The treacherous God Mikage has dishonoured us all! And undermined our trust, it stands true to his fickle nature. I say his death came too easy. Conspiring with the..."
His words continued in a similar repetitive fashion but weaved together with the same narrow thread of hatefulness.

It was that same grating voice that had sentenced him to death. 'Sentenced yes', he remembered the summit had sentenced him to death...he was supposed to be dead. So, what exactly went wrong?

Mikage had looked around and just watched the faces who only appeared for some form of entertainment, they gawked shunned or even laughed at his lack of fortune. Very few kept a stoic look of unmoved disinterest. But as before this did not lie within Mikage's most prominent concerns. That was already occupied by Azuki and the safety of his familiars.

The God looked down at his body and found it in one piece which was relieving; only he wasn't in it. Then how was it that he is alive?

A shock trembled through his body or his form, so to speak. Eventually, his understanding became clear after a moment of examination. It seemed he was returned to something akin to his earliest form. The incorporeal sort, that reduced him to his original state - before gaining his body.

In the past, the heavens sustained him allowing his form to flourish and shortly blessed him into being. However, now in his attempts with drawing upon the heavens he could feel its suspension. Surely after trying harder there was a burning rejection. Meaning he was stuck and therefore powerless.

From what he could tell he didn't lose his personality nor his memories. Which is usually almost guaranteed when dealing with trauma to the soul. In other words, apart from his now cursed form, he was technically living, maybe he survived in a lesser plain.

Watching the few Gods ramble posed no interest to him as he'd remembered Azuki's abrupt departure. He saw clearly the person lacked any sense of emotion on his face, nor any of the fight Mikage knew he was capable of and expected. But there was none of that Azuki simply left, unconcerned, unfazed and with Kaguya following him closely. The Goddess whose infatuation with Azuki was always blatant and irritating. Seeing that sight hurt his heart to no end, but in the same instance, perhaps he was being far too emotional to judge the scene fairly. The person who promised him the world? Although it bought many questions to the surface; if he was indeed betrayed by, Azuki. To what extent exactly was his betrayal? Only Azuki knew everything. Each rebellious action he'd personally taken was as harmfully endowing to doom Azuki as well. Everything Mikage did, Azuki was always present wilfully as his shadow, and at times neglecting his own status in the process.

Nothing came to mind of the possible gain from his death, and Mikage knew Azuki to be a prudent man. Azuki would never trust the Gods so kindly, given their fickle nature, he was always too aware of it. Furthermore, being associated with himself, Azuki would never in kind escape the God's scrutiny. It was also true that he supported Mikage's ideas of revolution and with him established a rapport with many of the Yokai.

But just as Azuki knew of his secrets, Mikage too knew secrets Azuki tried to keep from him. His doubt quickly became unfounded, he'd known Azuki too long and too intimately but even that however didn't extinguish his worries. He quickly followed after him and with his current body, it wasn't hard.

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