Chapter 16 - Come back with me

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Mikage opened the door without a key. The fact that he actually lives in such an unsecure place made Ryuu feel unsettled. There was no chance Ryuu was going to let him stay in such a dangerous place any longer.

Mikage's presence here actually made the worn-down apartment have some sort of elegance. His naturalness and confidence shined particularly, mostly because he didn't show embarrassment.

As being in such a poor neighbourhood there wasn't really anything worth stealing, plus the doors are feeble and can be broken into regardless. So Mikage was never bothered by the lack of secureness.

They entered the house with Hayato and Kenji following right behind. Hayato made a complicated expression when looking around.

Mikage removed his shoes with a bit of effort. "Otou-Sama!" Mikage shouted. This was the time Satoshi came home without a doubt. Mikage's heart dropped under the silence, his face distorted in fear. "Otou-sama!!" he repeated desperately.

Mikage carelessly let go of Ryuu and immediately tumbled. Ryuu managed to catch Mikage before he fell on to his face. He was startled by Mikage's raw display of emotions, he supported Mikage by the waist. "Be careful" Ryuu said comfortingly.

Mikage snapped back to himself, he breathed in to calm himself. "Thank you, Ryuu it's okay now" he said calmly and steadied himself and let go of Ryuu.

Upon entering a kitchen was visible a bit further ahead is the only bedroom in the apartment.

He wobbled without the assistance of Ryuu due to the narrow space. As Mikage was about to touch the door, when it slid open. "If it's your father your looking for, he's not here Miyuki-kun" a voice lowly spoke.

Causing, Kenji and Hayato to draw their guns. Ryuu wore an extremely dark expression "what is the meaning of this Akira?" he asked chillingly.

"Ishida Ryuu I can say the exact same thing, stealing other people's belonging's, harming my subordinates and allowing your own undisciplined subordinates to act so presumptuously. What would you do if a bullet it hit Miyuki-kun?".

Ryuu felt anger surge in his chest, he wanted to personally put a bullet through Akira's head. However that would incite war between the underground Japan and China. And for what? Ryuu had never been so unsure of his position in Miyuki's eyes.

Was it possible Miyuki is having a lover's quarrel with Akira? Ryuu face grew darker. 

"Withdraw your weapons!" Ryuu bellowed, his tone made both Kenji and Hayato flinch. They immediately did as he said.

Hayato came up with the same conclusion, he had nothing short of disgust written on his face. 'How dare he betray boss!'. He was about to pull out his gun again, but this time aim for Mikage. "Mikage, you bastard!! Do you have anything to say, haaah?".

Mikage who was silent all could no longer control his fury," Shut the fuck up!" he roared directly at Hayato. Hayato who received Miyuki's fury, felt weak in the knees, he couldn't control his trembling.

The aura Mikage gave off was without a doubt bloodlust; it was extremely frightening, on another level.

Hayato had never received such pure bloodlust, he'd seen something similar within his boss. But to think that the weak boy contained such terrifying aura. It was the aura of a killer. Hayato coughed up blood within his throat.

Not only Hayato, but Kenji, Ryuu and Akira felt it too. Rather than shocked Akira was excited by this mysterious boy.

"Miyuki-kun you're so fascinating when I heard you jumped from the tenth floor I couldn't believe it, then I watched the security footage over and over."

Ryuu couldn't believe what he was hearing, was it true? The fact remained that Mikage's legs were injured, but if it were true, why would he go so far as to jump from ten floors.

Mikage had enough of Akira's annoying voice, he threw a hit to his shoulder. As if he anticipated Akira stopped Mikage's hit with ease. "perhaps were you aiming for my pressure point Miyuki-kun? I won't fall for the same thing a second time you know".

"Akira if you so much as dared to harm my Otou-Sama, I will end you" Mikage said vehemently, oozing bloodlust. Mikage was significantly weakened and he lacked balance so Akira overpowered him and gripped his shoulders.

Stirred by Mikage's piercing stare Akira spoke, "I'd arrived recently, it seems your Otou-san hasn't come home but forget him. Miyuki, come back with me".

Akira and Mikage were conversing as if they were the only ones' present. It made Ryuu extremely uncomfortable.

Akira frowned, "come to think of it this yukata suits you, Miyuki-kun" Akira interrupted. He put his hand in the yukata slightly loosening it.

"Don't fuck with me, who do you think you are to say something so nauseating to. Don't treat me like a fool, your eyes disgust me." Mikage made a repulsed face.

"Ryuu do you still trust me?" Mikage asked. Ryuu was unsure what to think; but when he heard that question all his worries vanished.

'Ryuu?' Akira's expression got dangerously gloomy, on Miyuki's beautiful pale body were recently made suggestive marks. He subconsciously tightened his powerful grasp on Mikages shoulder causing Mikage pain, "Who'd dare!"

Did anyone guess correctly who it was from the title??? 

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