Chapter 69 - Gods Decree

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Ryuu had fallen to the floor and Mikage was going throw a punch but a surge of pain and haziness overwhelmed him, it was so sudden Mikage paused for a moment so brief nobody noticed.

But it was long enough for Ryuu to take this opportunity to trap him, winning against his speed with pure power and force.

The haze in his mind seemed to finally unravel and the anger began to fluctuate in Mikage's chest, he wanted to expel each of the feeling assaulting the very being of his senses but Ryuu wouldn't let go. The blazing feeling continued to expand everything around Mikage became a blur only Ryuu was clear. Mikage wasn't sure but he'd realised that he'd stared at the man for a time. His chest slightly rose and fell at a pace faster than normal.

Ryuu's smiled strangely, "you didn't answer my question," he said.

"You mutilate your subordinate for what reason? Because he failed to keep me idle?" Mikage heaved a heavy sigh, "a horrible disappointing person...".

Mikage no longer has the patience to continue watching Ryuu so he turned his head. "I had enough let go of me" as if all traces of heat left in Mikage's voice only a coldness remained.

"No", Ryuu refused harshly gritting his teeth.

Mikage threw a glare at him he failed to move his wrist that was trapped under Ryuu's unwavering grip.

"I'm the worst" Ryuu stated whilst narrowing his eyes dangerously "that's something you should have been familiar with, never mistake me for anything less".

"In this line of work there can never be a second chance, failure is not permitted. It seems you don't understand, how easy it is for a man to turn his back on someone he called his brother. And what price that brother had to pay because of his trust. Loyalty alone can't bring anything back that's why consequences are in place. Because when you are wary about what's in front you have no choice but to watch your back."

The red mist in his eyes slowly dissipated and not only Ryuu's words cut like a knife but his actions too. Despite all his own acts, Ryuu remained calm, so calm it did irritate Mikage, but even with the crowd presently watching, the man's tune towards him didn't change.

The worst of it was he understood everything Ryuu said, even his reasoning sounded almost noble. To keep mortality rate minimal the price for mistakes could be fatal. It was a bleak reality for Ryuu and nevertheless very sad. In comparison, Mikage knows he personally could count the number of betrayals he's experienced with both hands, but for Ryuu, it was probably countless.

Having said that, knowing Nobu's situation as well wouldn't allow Mikage to completely settle his griefs with Ryuu, perhaps it was irrational, however, he couldn't help but follow his feelings.

It didn't take long for Mikage to realise Ryuu's weakened grasp, Mikage sighed "so what now? Will you take a finger or..."?

"No" Ryuu bluntly cut him off, "such punishment is unseemly to someone of your position"

Mikage was annoyed he preferred Ryuu's straightforward way of speaking, but he knew it was because of those present. "Then what is my punishment?" he asked cutting all the bullshit.

Ryuu turned his had to left, "and what do you think?" he said clearly addressing the group, despite the situation they didn't lose their composure and remained upright once Ryuu had the upper hand.

The majority looked at each other before finally settling their eyes on Ishimoto, Ishimoto barely flinched predicting this sort of conclusion. "A man with no sense of self-control is unfitting to be the backbone that carries the Seiryuu-kai. Though, as it is proven there is much growth to be anticipated from such a young fledging, and our patience may allow for a more prosperous future."

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