Chapter 66 - Dog?!

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yuu had already taken off several hours ago, and now a serious toll of boredom plagued Mikage's very sanity. He'd been sitting at the pond for a longer than an hour, Mikage had one foot submerged to cool the heat that began to bother him. It only April yet he couldn't fathom why his temperature was currently so high that it felt like he was in an oven.

Just as Mikage flicked the sweat off his forehead, he picked up two voices approaching from behind him.

"What do you mean you can't go by yourself "

"It's just that there's a problem" the second voiced replied.

The first voice wasn't one Mikage was particularly familiar with, however the second he was sure he recognised. This particular courtyard was mostly quiet, however, that didn't mean it didn't have its fair share of people scattered, surrounding him in protective clusters.

Mikage didn't quite appreciate the suffocating sense of being babysat, but he did pick up on the feelings of urgency and uncertainty within the place. So, whether it was them being prepared for outright war or an internal attack, many of the hardened Yakuza's were on edge. As if, at any moment something could happen, nobody's guard was truly down. The only move now was to wait out this minor setback out, until the Mikage didn't mind being idle.

"Like what?" the first man pressed with a slight intensity, soundly stopping in his tracks.

The second voice hesitated, "a dog" he said clearly embarrassed by how silly the words sounded that left his mouth, especially with the crowd of eyes leaning to his direction. "I mean that dog is stopping me from doing my job", he tried to correct.

"you have a gun, do you not", the man coldly pronounced each word clearly, "if I have to hear more about this, I'll personally see to it that you'll have one less finger."

The boy paused for a moment, then proceeded, "I understand, but with all due respect Aniki, the dog belonged to one of our comrades, and to just disrespect his memory so easily is something I can't do."

Mikage smiled to himself, that was true loyalty standing up for your brother in the face of authority, was certainly mighty. He could already sense the tension even without seeing it, the audience definitely would cause a certain someone to overreact. Not needing to hear anymore, Mikage stood abruptly, startling the horde of fish that began to accumulate around his foot.

"It seems you need to learn some manners when addressing your superior", The man spat out clearly pissed off, he drew out his gun. You disobey me for nothing more than a mutt, how about you crawl on the floor, just like a mutt."

"ENOUGH", Mikage raised his voice harshly, making them inevitably and unwillingly freeze. "That performance was quite entertaining, however, now it's getting dragged on, don't you agree? " Mikage turned the corner showing his face.

Just as he showed up each member near the courtyard bowed, one after the other, followed by the man who'd taken out his gun, which was now withdrawn.

Mikage chuckled slightly, actually he quite disliked the formality it felt unnecessary, but he knew it was common practice anyway. So, he chose to turn a blind eye to it.

"That's enough", Mikage said curtly after what felt like a prolonged period of time.

Hearing that, everyone returned to their positions, "so, what bring's you to me Mikage-Aniki?" the man asked. Though he addressed Mikage familiarly, the truth was they weren't even aquatinted, but everyone knew of him.

Which only proves Ryuu was very thorough. But, of course, Mikage's hair, in particular, was an undeniably a distinctive attribute of his, in which profiling him was practically effortless.

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