Chapter 43 - Trouble

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DISCLAIMER!!! i never ever played poker in my life, just watched it in movies sooo go easy on me  

'If we don't do something Boss will be furious at us' Nobu said internally, he didn't dare question the young man out loud.

Mikage saw his face and knew what he wanted to say, "The drunk fool isn't worth our time If he bothers me again, I'll end him myself" his tone dropped frightfully matching his darkened expression. Those very close could feel the authority of the words spoken with and most of the people didn't doubt that he would.

But that didn't stop some of the others from seeing weakness in his mercy.

Later the woman worker did lose her job but got off very lightly thanks to Mikage, rather than resentful she was thankful that her outcome was so light, compared to what she had seen.

However, others weren't as lucky as many of the blabbermouths suffered financial hits to their company's or they blatantly got blackmailed. They suffered major losses thanks to the Seiryuu-kai, they were aware the cause was through fault of their own. But the individual who instigated it all got off the lightest his bank account got frozen and was put under houses arrest by his family but neither his fingers nor his life was taken, which would've been all too easy.

On the table, there was already four men they all had rough hardened faces as if you could tell the story from each wrinkle and scar on their face. The man with the slicked-back greying hair who was openly smoking appeared to be the most influential.

Mikage took the open seat, all of their eyes which were solely focused on the cards looked at him. "who's this Nobu?"

"He's one of us," Nobu said very proudly.

"Don't whine like a baby when we clean out your money youngster" the leading old man warned.

"Nobu lost a lot of money to us so he knows better than to pick a fight himself" another large Oldman started laughing until he coughed roughly.

'Don't underestimate him or the tables will suddenly' Nobu thought to himself.

Nobu introduced each of them briefly the leading man in the middle is Teraka, the second one is Ishimoto and the silent one is called Jiro.

The quiet Mikage finally opened his mouth but what came out of it made everyone in the room take in a cold sip of air, "that cigarette put it out" he spoke clearly talking to Teraka.

Nobu forgot something important, the young man is a health freak and smoking was a big sin in his eyes.

Someone behind the old man reacted before anyone had the chance "Who do you think you are acting so arrogant" he took out a gun aiming it at Mikage.

In response all of the ten guards in the room took out a gun each aiming at the other man, including Nobu "put it away or it's your brains on the carpet" Nobu spoke.

Before the man moved the Oldman interrupted "Put the fucking gun away fool!" throughout all of this the old man carefully observed Mikage. He wasn't rattled he didn't even flinch when one of his men aimed a gun at him, there was something strange about this one. 'arrogance? No, he saw something far greater'.

Starting from the man who flipped out first from everyone put away their guns slowly.

'That's what happens when you are undisciplined, your emotions control you creating more trouble than necessary.'

"What are you how interesting I've never seen someone quite like you" Teraka commented suddenly intrigued.

"Don't smoke in the future, it's bad for the circulation" Mikage added. Teraka grinned that's something his daughter would say to him.

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