Chapter Thirty Two

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Holding Hela in my arms, I walked hastily alongside the guard. From the route we took through the palace I could tell we were headed towards the infirmary.

This is it, I thought to myself, this is the last time I'll ever se e Sigyn.

I was absolutely silent. My mind was whirling. Was she going to be alive? If so, was she alright? What had taken so long? Had I done something wrong, hurt her in some way leading to this? If she were dead? How? What went so wrong?

I could barely concentrate. I could hardly breathe. All I knew was to clutch my baby close to my chest and pray that Sigyn had not left this world.

As I entered the infirmary, I couldn't help but notice the atrocious silence that seemed to fill the room. It was so quiet, I swore those around me could hear my heart beating.

Nurses lead to me to a seperate wing of the infirmary, completely secluded from the rest of it.  I was dying to hear any news of Sigyn, to let them warn me about saying good bye, or even hear her voice call out for me. Truly, the only thing bringing me solace at the time was Hela. The steadiness of her breathing and her tiny body swaddled up against my chest, it let me know that whether or not Sigyn was dead or alive, I had to keep fighting.

As I walked through, the silence began to fade as a faint voice pricked my ears. Instantly, I knew it was Sigyn. I could hear her pleading with nurses and healers and nearly choking on her tears. My eyes widened at the sound. The nurse that was escorting me, pushed open the doors to the room her voice was coming from.

Immediately, I didn't know whether to grin or cry, laugh or yell. I saw her. Sigyn was in a bed just arguing as per usual.

"I can walk," she demanded, "You haven't even let me try. I just want to go and see my husband and see me daughter. So if you would just let me go, we won't have any more issues."

I chuckled softly, of course. Of course, stubborn as a mule, Sigyn was arguing that she was well enough to go and see us.

"Sigyn," I called out softly, "No need to start a fight, we're right here."

Everything about her softened as she saw me. Instantly he shoulders relaxed and a smile appears across her face. She tried to make room on her bed to get me to sit down besides her. Grinning wildly, she patted the spot as if to ask come here?

"We'll give you two some privacy," a nurse said softly, before all of them filed out of the room.

Sitting next to Sigyn, I brought Hela out from her tight swaddle that I wore her in. Seeing her, Sigyn gasped softly and covered her mouth.

"Oh she's perfect," she whispered as she gently took her into her own arms, "She's so big and her little nose, Loki she's just perfect."

I couldn't help but smile as I finally saw Sigyn and Hela together for the first time. I've never seen Sigyn smile so brightly. Seeing the two side by side, I was able to point out the few similarities between them. Sigyn's long dark eyelashes were mirror in our daughter. The shape of their lips was no doubt similar.

"Hello, sweetheart," she cooed softly, before she laughed lightly and turned to me, "Seems like I won the bet."

"Oh don't start."

"Well it's true! Just look at her, she's exactly like you," Sigyn said, "Her hair, her ears, her little nose, and I just love her."

Sigyn took to motherhood faster than I could have ever imagined. She knew exactly what to do with every cry and whimper, knew when to help Hela or just let her be. In the weeks that followed, even as she recovered Sigyn was quite the prodigy.

During the day, Sigyn and Hela were joined at the hip. Sigyn was still struggling to walk and get out of bed due to her traumatic labor but was more than capable to take care of Hela. This left the night mainly up to me. Not that I minded, I loved having Hela all to myself in the cool of night. I could've stayed up for hours just taking care of her, entertaining her, and watching her.

In the weeks that followed her birth, I found that Hela had quite the fascination with magic. With a wisp of magic tendrils, Hela would instantly become entranced, cooing as she reached to try and grab it. Her round green eyes would nearly glow as she watched my illusions. Casting pictures of small birds or little rabbits, she would watch with the widest eyes. It was one of the few things besides Sigyn that would stop her crying. There was no doubt in my mind that as she grew, she would gain her own abilities. In time, I was sure that her magic would be more powerful than my own.

Sigyn's condition slowly but surely got better. Under eight weeks, she was able to walk again. She desperately wanted to just be back to normal and was taking every precaution needed to make sure she would heal correctly and completely. Thankfully, she didn't put up much of a fight regarding all of this.

I was incandescently happy. Truly, I had everything I ever wanted. A beautiful wife. A perfect daughter. And to top it all off, I had the asgardian throne. There was genuinely not much else I could ask for. The stars had aligned in my favor after nearly a millenia of the world being against me. It was a nice change, to say the least.

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