Chapter One Hundred and Ten

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The week had been a whirlwind. Asides from using my daughter as a weapon of mass destruction, the Avengers had become truly insane as they began to experiment with time travel.

Scott Lang, also known as the Antman had brainstormed a way to go back and forth within time using the quantum realm and Pym particles. Now, I hardly had a clue what any of that meant. Hela somehow understood it and had thankfully explained it all plainly to me. From what I gathered, they were using this dimension as a hallway between time and space and using the particles as a key to do so. Hela had been sure to mention that all of this was in an effort to gather infinity stones from different points in history and use their power to bring the world back. Though I wish I could say I was more instrumental in this scientific operation but I was busy elsewhere.

Keeping Thor from the liquor cabinet, stopping Loki from killing his brother, playing doctor, as well as being a mother to an entire lot of heroes, was keeping me busier than I needed to be. Truly though I did not mind in the slightest, the less I had to train for war the better. The last thing I wanted to do was brandish my powers or soar through time, but as each minute passed it seemed as though I would not have that luxury. I was going to have to join in on the madness sooner rather than later especially now that it had been confirmed that time travel was in fact possible.

Just one short trip by Clint Barton and one vile of Pym particles later had proven that Tony Stark's device was capable of navigating the team through the quantum realm and to any point in history. 

"Okay, so the how works," Steve said as we all gathered in the conference room, "Now we gotta figure out the when and where."

Hela worked alongside Tony to pull up various holograms demonstrating each of the six infinity stones. I stood behind Loki as he sat at the conference table and a drunk Thor loomed in the darkest corner of the room. My husband's face was focussed and stern, he soaked up every bit of information as best he could. I could tell that he desperately wanted to prove himself through his ability to listen and most importantly, his ability to do good. 

"Now, almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with one of the six infinity stones," Steve explained.

"Or substitute the word 'encounter' with steal and kill hundreds with one," Tony added as he eyed Loki. 

"I've changed," Loki said grimly as he sunk a bit further into his seat. Tony did no more than roll his eyes. It wasn't as if Mr. Stark was one to talk, after all his technology had killed hundreds if not thousands. Neither of their ledgers was clean and frankly not one man was better than the other. 

"Regardless," Banner interjected as the tension broke, "We only have enough Pym Particles for one round-trip each and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Our history," Tony explained as he paced around the room, "So, not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in. Ya know?"

"Which means we have to pick our targets," Hela added, leaning up against the door of the room with her arms crossed. Upon her countenance laid the same expression as her father's. She was laser focussed and desperate to prove herself, she too just wanted to show that she was good.

"Correct," Tony said, patting her shoulder with a slight smile.

"So, let's start with the Aether," Steve suggested as he turned to us, the small gathering of Asgardians, "What do you know?"

I simply shrugged as a small smirk grew upon Loki's lips.

"I believe my dear brother would be better suited to explain that to you," he suggested deviously. All eyes in the room landed upon Thor who was tucked away in the corner, clutching a warm beer and with dark sunglasses covering his eyes.

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