Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

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Thank god Sigyn listened to me for once. I suppose her stubbornness did in fact have its bounds.

She squeezed my hand quickly before taking off, away from the army and the assailants pursuing that damn glove. Within a blink of an eye, she was gone from my side and off to do who knows what with the glove.

I could hardly hear the team as they tried to communicate the plan to us all. Through the shoddy ear pieces they had given us, I could only catch single words at a time. Sigyn's name, gauntlet, and Thanos all rang in my ears without any comprehension of what it all meant. The only thing I truly knew was that as long as my wife was in possession of that gauntlet, she would undoubtedly be in peril. And yet, she was far from my side and I had no means of protecting her.

Once again, that shaking fear struck in my heart as I scanned the battlefield. Perhaps, if I could just catch a glint of her armor amongst the flames, I would be able to join her once more. And protect her just as I had promised.

But as soon as I saw her, her golden hair dashing through the field, I had realized I was not the first to spot her. Just yards away, the purple Titan was charging. His eyes were narrowed, focused in on Sigyn. My breath caught in my throat as I watched this all unfold. My heart began to beat out of my chest as I searched for any possible way to come to her aid. Yet, there I stood, as far away from her as possible and with my own battle to fight.

Just as the titan began to charge her, coming within near inches of grabbing her by the hair, Tony stepped in. Though he hardly put any real damage upon Thanos, Tony was able to stop
him which bought Sigyn time. The thing she seemed to need most above all else.

As she tumbled away, another bolt of lightning cracked overhead. I looked upwards to find my brother flying through the sky, eyes aglow with absolute fury as he pursued a heard of Chitari.

"Help her!" I screamed as I dealt with the warrior surrounding me, stabbing them left and rught and sending them hurdling through the battlefield with gusts of magic.

Thor nodded and immediately changed trajectory as he flew towards Sigyn.

Though I knew Sigyn could hold her own, I didn't want to spare any chances. I needed her as long as I could possibly have her, I couldn't bear to watch her die just as I had so many years ago. The fate I was meant to live couldn't become hers, I just couldn't allow it.

Thor touched down before the great Titan, energy coursing through him with insane magnitude as he and Rogers attempted to kill Thanks. Slowly but surely, they pushed Thor's Strombreaker ever close to Thanos's throat. However, within a meeee instant, Thanos pushed both men away from him and refocused upon Sigyn.

She was alone before the Titan but she carried herself with a valor that showed no fear. Though she was by herself, she was unafraid of the fight in front of her.

At least...that's what it looked like.

"Long time no see, Thanos," I chided, suffering a fake confidence as I gripped the gauntlet tightly within my arms. I was shaking, holding onto the glove so tightly that my knuckles were white. I wanted to just keep running, to keep avoiding Thanos. Perhaps the next time he would be unable to catch up to me. Maybe I could get out of this whole mess.

But, I stood firmly as I thenrealized that I couldn't simply run away. Though my body urged me to try and protect myself, to continue the chase, as I looked around the battle field-I knew that wasn't an option. Before me was the Titan and beyond him laid Steve, Thor, and Tony. The Avengers were no more than aching heaps upon the ground, battered and beaten. I couldn't keep running because of them. All of the men and women surrounding me, who had devoted their efforts to this fight, had whole lives ahead of them. Tony had a daughter to raise. Thor had a kingdom to rule. Steve had a country to fight for. And even then, they were countless other around me who had still yet to find the meaning behind longing for another day. I, on the other hand, had none of this. My future had been cut and my life was bound to end. I owed it to those around me to use whatever time I had left to ensure that they could spend their time free  and unafraid. I owed it to Loki to ensure that he would be able to be there for Hela rather than be taken captive by Thanks once more. And most of all, I owed it to Hela, so that she wouldn't be orphaned by the end of this day.

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