Chapter Eighty-Eight

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L̷̢̮̍̀Ò̵͙K̷̖͐I̴̘͑'̵̙̩̍Ş̸̔ ̸̭̮̄P̶̬͓̉Ó̴͕Ḭ̶͇̿͝N̴̢̠̂T̵͙͙͌ ̷̭̉Ọ̵̓F̴̼̻̈͑ ̶͓̐̍V̴̬̯̑I̴̮̰͠E̶̟̔̕W̶͋̑͜

I was back at the TVA and stuck in a never ending time loop of Sigyn screaming at me. Quite the pleasant time, if I do say so myself. Nothing like my would be wife coming in over and over again to tell me, I was an awful person and what was it that she told me? Oh yes, that I was a conniving worm that would always be alone. Then, she would slap me. I wondered if she were truly this hotheaded and malicious in real life. 

Yes, I was being degraded and my cheek was burning fiercely, but truly, it wasn't too awful. You see, I was actually able to stand next to Sigyn for the first time...ever. This was the first time I had ever met her, or rather an illusion of her. It was...interesting to say the least. Meeting my future wife for the first time ever only to be slapped by her over and over and over again. But, seeing her "in person" made up for it. Or at least that was what I was telling myself.

"You!" she said coldly, emerging from the archway at one end of the hall.

She stomped towards me, her heels clicking against the marble floor with every step. Sigyn's nose was all scrunched up and her brows were furrowed, even now as she was made to look scary I couldn't help but find her cute.

"You conniving, craven, pathetic worm," Sigyn said, stopping to look at me. She was as beautiful as always but her body was absolutely littered in bruises, most heavily around her neck where I could almost make out the prints of two hands.

"You did this," she yelled out, her voice almost cracking before she landed a powerful slap across my right cheek. For being so tiny, she was actually quite strong.

"I know, I know," I said, pressing a cold hand to my cheek.

"And-" she began.

"And, I deserve to be alone and I always will be," I finished, "I know."

Sigyn stopped, she looked completely dumbfounded at my ability to literally steal the words out of her mouth. Little did this little illusion of her know, but this was about the tenth time I had encountered this loop. I knew her script by heart at this point. She eyed me, raising her hand just as she was to slap my left cheek.

"Listen," I warned, grabbing her tiny wrist in my hand, "You are a reconstruction of a past event created by the organization that controls all of time."

Sigyn attempted to pull her hand away from me, her face twisting into one of pain. "Please, Loki," she begged, "You've hurt me enough already. You abandoned me and now this?"

I sighed, I knew this was all just an illusion and Sigyn wasn't really here but hearing her voice whimper in pain tore at my heartstrings. That was more torturous than the slap, in all honesty.

"You need to trust me dear," I explained to her, gently letting go of her wrist, "Help me escape, yeah?"

She stopped for a moment, seemingly listening. But all at once, her demeanor shifted before she harshly slapped me again. She scoffed as she watched me recoil from her.

"Pathetic," she spat before walking off yet again.

Sigyn was admittedly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I couldn't deny that. But I wondered if she were truly this harsh in real life. Surely, she wasn't. I could hardly imagine myself being soulmates with an angry and borderline abusive, five foot tall goddess. I had to consistently remind myself that none of this was real. This wasn't the real Sigyn and I was outside of all reality. This was just something I had to bear to get to the true Sigyn, my Sigyn.

"You," she called again, coming in from the same archway she had come through every other time, "You conniving, craven, pathetic worm!"

"Sigyn, dear," I begged, taking both of her hands tightly into mine, "Please, please, please, no more. Please, I beg you."

She rolled her eyes, refusing to meet my gaze as I continued, "What could I have possibly done in the future to make you this angry at me? Is any of this even true?  Does this happen?"

"Doesn't matter if it does or doesn't," she explained, "The TVA knows exactly what will hurt you the most. I am that something. And you are a conniving, cra-"

"Pathetic worm," I sighed, "I know. Who gave you all these bruises? Was it truly me?"

She shook her head, ripping her hands away from mine. 

"No, but it might of well had been," she said harshly before her entire demeanor changed. Her shoulders dropped and her facial expression turned solemn.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a step away from her as she promptly took one step forward.

"You betrayed me, Loki. Abandoned me. Left me on Asgard to die. But, I didn't just die. No, that would be too easy wouldn't it? I was tortured, raped, beaten, the list goes on, my prince. I can tell you it all in explicit detail. Where would you like me to begin, my prince?"

I shook my head, "No, no, this is a trick again, Another nasty trick by the good ol' TVA. Come on, just slap me. Let's get this over with."

"No, Loki," she said, taking another step towards me, "This part is true. This is the life I am forced to live because of the choices you made. Time loop or not, I was tormented. All because you betrayed me."

"You did this to me," she said before swiftly pulling her hand back and meeting my cheek once again. She brushed past me, her heels clicking behind me as she disappeared once again.

I took a deep breath, prepping myself for the next round of angry Sigyn. This was far from bliss but I knew I deserved it. Mobius had made sure to mention to me during our viewing in the time theater that SIgyn didn't really get all that angry at me after I had betrayed her on Sakaar. Now, however, I was actually paying the price of my actions. Only frustrating part was that I had never even lived the part of my life where I end up betraying Sigyn. I was now reaping the consequences of decisions I had never even made. Seemed a bit unfair.

"You!" her voice rang again.

I sighed as I turned towards her. Sigyn's deep brown eyes stared into my soul with immense malice and anger. 

"I'm a horrible person," I said softly as she stopped in front of me, "I get it. I really am. I don't know why I betrayed you, dear, I wish I could give you an answer. But whatever it is, it's not okay. It's not. Uh... I crave attention... because I'm... I'm a... I'm a narcissist. And I suppose it's... It's because I'm scared of being alone."

A twinge of understanding washed over her face before it was quickly over taken by anger once more.

"You did this to me," she said, slapping me now for the twelfth time, "You are alone, Loki. And you always will be."

As she said this, I could nearly feel my heartbreak. I knew this was all just an illusion, but I also knew all the feelings she was displaying were real. I really had abandoned her, I really had allowed all of these atrocities to fall on her. And worst of all, she was right. I was alone. I would possibly never see Sigyn again outside of this time loop. I was to never return home to my family. I was destined to be simply pruned like any other variant. I was to die, alone, with no one at my side. Life was truly hopeless in the TVA.

As this dawned on me, Mobius appeared within Sigyn's archway.

"Okay, Loki," he beckoned, "You ready to talk?"

Loki and Sigyn, His Glorious PurposeWhere stories live. Discover now