Chapter One Hundred and Two

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Sitting in Sigyn's kitchen, she cut strips of fabric to bandage our hands.

I looked through the windows, beyond the porch and to the law. Seeing Thor out in the front yard was now much more cathartic. He was no threat to me, I knew that for sure. My bride was now truly my own and his drunk and pathetic ass could never say the same. I couldn't help but smile.

"Darling?" I asked, turning towards her as my palm lay outstretched on the counter, "If you're such a talented healer why can't you just heal the scar up yourself?"

"I forgot how much you questioned me," she said before she explained, "Handfasting is meant to be natural, to heal it with magic would be equivalent to breaking the bond."

Sigyn cleaned my hand before wrapping it tightly just as she had done her own.

"I see," I said, watching as she tied the cloth and kissed my palm before cleaning up the small mess she had made. I couldn't help but smile.

"If it opens back up though," Sigyn warned, "Let me know, I can mix up a brew to help it scab over."

"Scabs and brews?" I teased, "Are you sure you aren't a witch?"

"Maybe I am," she retorted. Looking past me and through the window, her face instantly fell. i followed Sigyn'a icy gaze and saw a heard of Asgardians coming over the hill.

Of course, it hadn't taken long for the rest of what Sigyn was calling "New Asgard" to learn of my arrival. Or rather, my return. The crowd that began to march towards the lone cabin had undoubtedly been drawn by the brawl that had occurred between Thor and I. A fight between two gods (no matter how pathetic) is always bound to draw attention.

"Mother!" Hela called from the garden just adjacent to the kitchen, "We have company!"

"This should be fun," she sighed, "What are we going to say? About you? About Thor?"

"I'll think of something," I said, standing up and watching the ever-approaching hoard, "Don't worry."

"Right," she said, rubbing her face, "Just give me a moment with them, alone? I don't want them to charge at you or act irrationally. Just one moment and I'll have them all more than ready to see you again. Alright?"

I eyed her, for a moment I was suspicious of what she may say to the group. But, I realized I had to trust her. She was now my bride and that wouldn't set the tone of the marriage at a good register. So, I nodded.

"As you wish."

She kisses my cheeks before grabbing a jacket and convening with nearly all of New Asgard in her front lawn. As Sigyn went out, Hela came in.

"Hello, dear," I greeted, finding myself smiling at the sight of her.

"Hello," she chimed, "Mother certainly had her hands full out there. By the way, what a show you put on out there! Bravo, loved the daggers."

"You saw that?" I asked, dying to hear her say no.

"Mhmm," Hela said, taking a seat right in front of the window, "But don't tell mother, she'd die if she knew I saw all of that."

"Lovely," I sighed as I took a seat besides Hela, watching the spectacle outside unfold.

In the middle of the crowd, Sigyn stood very diplomatically. I could tell by the countless furrowed brows and wild hand gestures, the townspeople were hurdling questions at her by the dozen. Never the less, she stood calmly and answered each of them with outmost grace.

"I don't understand how she does that," Hela said quietly, watching her mother intently.

"Does what?"

" so patient," she replied, "I could never willingly go out there and listen to those people. I wish I could and it's not that I don't care, I just would feel so bad."

I nodded, I agreed completely. As she said this, I was beginning to see the similarities that Sigyn swore that Hela and I shared.

"I know," I seconded, "I wouldn't be able to keep up with it all. I'd feel..."

"Suffocated," Hela finished.


Sigyn had finally ceased her interrogation and left the crowd near Thor, who was just beginning to wake up. She opened the door and poked her head inside.

"Ready?" Sigyn asked, opening the door up wide for me.

"Not really," I admitted.

To my surprise, Hela linked her elbow into my own and gave me a small smile.

"It's okay, we can do this together," she said sweetly.

I smiled and took a deep breath, "Alright, I'm ready," I said with a curt nod.

Sigyn pressed a kiss to my cheek, "It'll be okay. You're the God of Lies and Mischief, if anyone can pull off this stunt-it's you."

She held the door wide open, allowing me to pass through with Hela at my side. As we stepped off of the porch and into the sunlight, an audible gasp rang throughout the crowd. Some looked shocked, some terrified, some were relieved, and some even looked angry.

"Tough crowd," I muttered, causing Hela to giggle lightly.

"How is he alive," a woman asked, quickly tugging Sigyn over to her, "You said you saw him die."

She looked oddly familiar and next to Sigyn, I could instantly tell that they were sisters. This must be Hertha, I thought to myself.

"Why don't you hear him out?" Sigyn said calmly, "It'll all make sense in just a moment."

As they continued to bicker back and forth, Hela leaned in and whispered, "I don't know if you know this but, Auntie Hertha isn't your biggest fan."

I nodded, and whispered in reply, "I can tell."

"What are you going to say?" she asked me, her voice still hushed as the crowd eyed us.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, "Truthfully, I'm thinking of just winging it."

Hela nodded, "Great plan, winging it is always a good plan."

"Well then?" Hertha began, her voice more than accusatory, "Are you going to explain yourself?"

I gulped, "Well...."

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