Chapter 149 (Cody Carson)

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I jump in my chair as my phone rings. Zach and Maxx laugh at me while I turn red in embarrasment. I check the call ID before leaving the room. I answer and smile as Loki follows me to the balcony.

"What's up," I answer.

"Hey Cody," Emory somberly replies.

"What's wrong?" My tone shifts from goofy to concerned in a heartbeat.

"Hailey just had twins."

"That's great news! You don't sound too excited though."

"Hailey's happy, but I don't think I can do this." I can hear Emory's voice cracking on the other line. "How do you do it?"

"Do what," I ask, "Shay and I have dogs in place of children."

"You're a great uncle. I'm a shitty brother to my own siblings. Hell, I didn't even know my sister was married!"

"Emory," I begin, "take a deep breathe. You need to relax a bit. I know it's gonna be hard. Shay and I can even babysit every once in awhile to help out. You're not alone in this."

"I just don't know if I can do it, Cody." I can hear Emory's voice cracking even more.

"Nobody said being a parent was easy. Just take it one step at a time." I do my best to calm Emory down, but I know it isn't helping.

"You're right. Thanks man. I gotta go."

Before I get a chance to reply, Emory hangs up the phone. I walk back inside and Maxx is the first one to notice.

"What's wrong," he asks.

"I don't know. That was Emory from Pop The Clutch. His personal life is getting so confusing and difficult for him right now."

"Anything you wanna share with us," Zach pipes in.

"No," I shake my head, "it's not my business to share. But I think I have an idea of who we can ask to be our next guest on the podcast."

"Good," Zach smiles, "because I've already written some promots of things we can talk about."

The guys and I go back to playing video games. I force a smile onto my face, fearing in the back of my mind that Emory might do something stupid.

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