Chapter 15 (Callum)

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I laugh slightly hearing her say she'd help me I forget the lyrics she really doesn't know I know her music by heart. I saw two boys glaring as us and sighed. I hoped off the stage and walked with Hailey waiting to go backstage. "Hey Johnny... Look nothing is up with me and your sister I'm just a fan who drew a sketch for her. Thinks she has the voice of an angel and would love to know what goes on in her mind. I just wanted to clear this up that I'm not like the others ans congrats man." I said looking at him holding my hand out. Hailey had bailed to talk to Emory and try to get a picture. I waited to hear what Johnny had to aay before I sighed seeing the one person I wanted to see and talk to most was gone. I soon just leaned the wall and messaged Ronnie from Insta 'Hey was hoping to see you backstage before the VIP show. I saw what happened and I talked to Johnny and were good now. Patty I'm trying to avoid cuz who knows what would happen...' I sent knowing he looked at her like that one more time I surely would be getting smacked across the face. Although it would be totally worth it.

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