Chapter 8 (Ronnie)

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"Just as long as your favorite member isn't Johnny," I chuckle. Callum blushes and laughs.

"Don't worry," he replies, "it's not." As I stretch my arms out to give Callum a hug, I feel a pair of arms wrap aroubd my waist.

"I wanted a hug too," Patty's voice chimes in. Chuckling, I give Callum a hug with Patty's arms still attached to me.

"Hey PattyCakes," my brother yells, "get your hands off my sister!"

"No," Patty replies. He buries his head into my neck. I pull away from Callum and smile softly at him.

"Looks like I gotta go," I tell him, "but keep up with us on social media. Alot of updates are coming about new music."

"I will," he replies cheerfully. Callum's eyes look from mine to Patty's and I watch as his smile fades slightly.

"We're not dating," I tell him, "Patty gave Johnny the idea to start a band. We owe him. Plus he likes pissing my brother off. They act more like children than adults." I laugh and Callum's smile returns.

I attempt to go on and say more, but I feel my feet lift off the ground. I blush deeply as Patty picks me up, places me over his shoulder, and carries me to his bus. I wave to Callum as I hear Johnny and Patty yell back and forth to each other. I can tell this is going to be a long tour.

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