Chapter 4 (Ronnie)

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Emory and I got ready to help out our merch guy, Dennis, before the show. The guys and I had decided to do the VIP show on our tour bus after the show. I grab my purse and throw my phone and wallet in there. A knock on the tour bus makes me jump.

Johnny runs past me and opens the door. He cheers when he opens the door. I walk out of the bunk area and smile when I spot Patty.

"Patty," I yell, "it's been so long!" I tackle the two men in a hug.

"It has been a long time," Patty chuckles. He lets go of Johnny and hugs me tightly. We pull apart and I look him up and down. His once short hair is now long and dyed black. His nails are painted black and he has makeup on. I raise an eyebrow at him and he mirrors my action.

"Hey Ronnie," Emory taps my shoulder, "let's go. Dennis told me they just opened the doors."

"Give me a minute," I reply. I hug Patty tightly one last time and then follow Emory. Patty was the first guy I ever loved and sadly he's the one that got away.

My heels clack against the wooden floor of the venue. My knee length cherry design dress fits my curves nicely and matches with my long braided red wig.

I hear fans cheer as Emory and I walk behind Dennis. I take some selfies with people while Emory photobombs us. As more fans lined up for photos and merch, a particular fan catches my eye. His short spiked hair is cute and a blush rises to his cheeks when I make eye contact with him.

"Hi," I greet him, "what can I get ya?"

"You're alot prettier in person," he quietly replies. Now it's my turn to blush. "Can I get a CD and a shirt? Size large."

"Sure thing!" Emory hunts for the shirt while I tear the plastic wrap off the CD. I grab my red sharpie and sign the white cover. I even leave a kiss next to my signature. I hand Emory the CD and he signs it with his neon green sharpie. We hand the cute fan his merch and walk around to take a selfie with him.

"Hey losers," Andrew's voice booms from the speakers, "get your butts on stage."

"Looks like we gotta go," I tell the fan, "if you have a VIP ticket, let Dennis know and he'll tell you where to go for the VIP show." I wave to the fan and run towards the stage. Time to do what I love!

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