Chapter 107 (Ronnie/Emory)

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"Not only will I read you a story," I state, "but I'll also sing you to sleep with lullabies. And if we can't call, Cal and I will make sure to leave a voicemail for you guys to hear in the morning when you wake up. And I love tea parties! And I will make sure you have the most adorable dresses for those tea parties."

Callum's siblings cheer and a blush creeps on my cheeks. I smile at how adorable the two of them are.

"It's getting late," Callum states. "You guys need to get to bed."

"Sing us a lullaby first," Hayden pleads.

"Of course," I reply. I begin to sing a lullaby that Johnny used to sing to me when I was younger. When I finish, the kids are rubbing their eyes and crawling into bed. I blow them air kisses and smile when the call is done.

"They love you," Callum begins.

"They're adorable," I smile.

"Hey Ronnie," Patty comes running towards me. "Johnny's looking for you. He wants to do a brother-sister dance." I grab Callum's hand and Patty's hand and all three of us run back inside.

Emory's POV

As we enter the apartment, my jaw drops. There are mini robotic projects everywhere. The floors are even wheelchair friendly.

"This is my home and office," Zach states.

"What do you do for a living," I ask.

"I'm the lead robotics engineer at Google," he boasts.

"Wow," Hailey breathes.

"I've been waiting to give you something," Zach says. He leaves the room and comes back with a box the size of my fist. I open it and my eyes go wide.

"Where did you find these," I ask.

"I made them," he states. "I watched your interview when you talked about bass supplies. When you talked about how you wanted the unbreakable chrome picks, I knew I had to make them. And they're bigger than most since you hands are huge."

I close the box and hug Zach tightly. I do my best to hold back my tears. I never though that my baby brother would ever pay attention to my interviews. I feel like such a shitty big brother.

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