Chapter 155 (Ronnie)

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I lean against the doorframe and wait until the nurse finishes helping Hailey back into her bed. I give him a small smile as he leaves the room.

"You look good for a woman who just had twins," I state.

Hailey chuckles slightly and invites me to sit next to her. Her eyes start to fill with tears as she looks back to the emoty doorway.

"He's not coming," I state quietly. "Johnny has him in the truck right now."

"Why would he do this," Hailey's voice cracks. "He was excited to have this baby."

"I think the thought of twins scared him. I know he was planning babysitting schedules between me and Andrew."

"Then why would he leave?" Hailey begins to cry. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back slightly.

"No matter what, I will make sure Emory pays for hurting you. After all, he's gonna be stuck with a baby."

"What?" Hailey pulls away and smiles. "Cal will be so happy to have a kid."

"About that....." I trail off and sit down next to Hailey. "I don't want Callum to know. We're having some trouble right now and I don't think things are gonna work out. Please don't tell him."

Hailey nods and hugs me. "I'll keep the secret until you're ready to tell him. How far along are you?"

"According to the OBGYN, I'm 8 weeks pregnant."

Hailey and I smile and hug each other again. I stand up when my phone begins to vibrate. I notice several texts from Patty and Andrew.

"Go," Hailey whispers with a smile, "just make sure Emory pays for his actions." I nod and walk out of the room. I begin to storm towards the truck as I spot a calm look on my brother's face.

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