Chapter 86 (Ronnie)

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Hailey's right. Callum and I might have to start looking for an apartment of our own. I know that once Johnny and Alex get married their moving into their new apartment. And once Emory moves out it'll just be me and Andrew living here with Aaron. This mansion has been my home for years. It won't be easy to say goodbye to it.

Johnny's POV

"Look," I begin, "tell Ronnie about your family. Once she feels like she knows your siblings, then invite her to join in on a video chat. Does your family know about her?"

"They know I have a girlfriend," Callum replies, "but they don't know her name or what she looks like."

"Then tonight is when you're going to tell them about Ronnie."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? They're still kids."

"Look," Alex states, "you need to tell them about Ronnie. And about the engagement. This is big news that you need to share with them."

"She's right," Johnny chimes in. Callum nods and leaves to go to his room. I close the door and kiss Alex. "Tomorrow's the big day. I'm excited."

"I am too," Alex replies, "and I'm so grateful for your sister. She's done most of the planning for this event."

"This means a lot to her. We've been engaged for years. Ronnie was practically begging to plan everything."

"I still remember when you popped the question," Alex chuckles. "Ronnie was so pissed at you for not telling her ahead of time."

"She never lets me live that down," I chuckle slightly. "Now let's get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be an amazingly long day."

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