Chapter 94 (Ronnie)

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I finish rinsing off Callum's hair and dry it off. I style it a bit before letting him look in the mirror.

"So," I begin, "what do you think?"

"I love it," he states. He kisses me before my arm gets tugged by Patty.

"Hold still," Patty demands. "I don't wanna mess up your nails."

"Sorry Patty," I reply. I carefully sit down in a chair and watch Patty work his magic to make my nails match the color theme for the wedding, pink and silver.

Emory's POV

"A doll might work," I tell Hailey. "And you can meet my older sister, Lily. Zach and I haven't spoken in years. I used to live with him long ago but he kicked me out. I would still be homeless if it wasn't for Johnny letting me audition and join PTC. My sister moved to LA to pursue an acting career when she was eighteen. We haven't visited each other, but we do skype once a month or so."

"Have you tried to talk to Zach," Hailey asks.

"I've tried," I reply, "but his nurse kicks me out every time. Apparently my brother wants nothing to do with me."

"Maybe I can talk to him."

"Let's have you meet Lily first. Maybe she'll visit when we sign our new apartment lease. She said she was gonna help me move."

"Sounds great! So, would you like to help me take care of Spencer tomorrow?"

I run a hand through my curls and sigh. "I wish I could, Hailey. But I have to help Ronnie set everything up. Maybe I could help during the reception?"

"That works. And don't worry, I'll be there to help." Hailey smiles and kisses me. I kiss her back passionately.

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