Chapter 131 (Ronnie)

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I smile as Spencer runs to Callum. He picks up the boy and spins him around. I smile and lean against the wall. My phone buzzes and I notice it's a text from my brother. His flight has just taken off.

"Hey Cal," I begin, "in a few hours I have to go pick up Johnny and Alex from the airport."

"Mommy's coming home," Spencer asks. I nod in reply and watch as the boy cheers in Callum's arms. I chuckle and Callum lets Spencer go. The boy runs around as I approach my fiance.

"I'll watch Spencer and finish the wedding planning while you pick up Johnny," Callum states.

"Actually," I reply, "I finished the wedding planning already."

"But there was a lot of stuff left to plan."

"I had some help. But don't worry about that. Go clean up and I'll take Spencer to daycare." I kiss Callum and follow Spencer to his room.

"Okay little guy," I tell Spencer, "let's get you ready. You'll get to spend the day with Mommy and Daddy tomorrow." I get Spencer dressed and take him to daycare.

*time skip to later that night*

I wait at the baggage claim for my brother. My eyes bulge out of my head when I spot Johnny walking towards me wearing a tropical shirt and shorts.

"You got a tan," I tell my brother.

"Hawaii will do that to a person," he replies. "I'm assuming Callum is at home with Spencer?"

"Yes he is. Now let's take you guys home."

I lead Johnny and Alex to my car and I drive them home.

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